Senator Hassan Slams Supreme Court Decision to Reject New Hampshire’s Remote Tax Case

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Maggie Hassan

June 28, 2021

WASHINGTON – Following the news that the Supreme Court declined to hear New Hampshire’s complaint against Massachusetts for unfairly taxing Granite Staters as a matter of original jurisdiction, Senator Hassan issued the following statement:

“People working full-time in New Hampshire should not have to pay another state’s income tax. To not even hear a case that impacts so many Granite Staters’ and Americans’ pocketbooks is disappointing and short-sighted. What is happening to New Hampshire residents goes beyond New England and has a far-reaching impact on citizens across this country who are being forced to pay taxes for a state where they don’t even work or live. I will continue pushing forward legislation that will set strict and clear limitations on any state who tries to impinge on the economic freedoms of Granite Staters.”

Senator Hassan has led efforts in the Senate to push back on out-of-state taxes imposed on New Hampshire residents. Last month, Senator Hassan helped introduce the Multistate Worker Tax Fairness Act to establish a simple, uniform federal standard based on a worker’s physical presence. The bill prohibits a state from imposing an income tax on the compensation a nonresident earns when that person is not physically in the state, and it ensures that people with out-of-state employers who telework, or whose job requires them to occasionally work in another state, do not have to pay out-of-state income taxes.

In February, Senator Hassan called for the COVID-19 relief package to include a bipartisan measure that would limit the authority of states to tax the income of employees who are working remotely in other states. Earlier this year, Senator Hassan questioned Deputy Treasury Secretary nominee Wally Adeyemo on this proposal and cited the need to prevent other states from taxing Granite Staters during his committee nomination hearing.
