YouTube Stikes Again

Source: United States Senator for Wisconsin Ron Johnson

Censored from YouTube…Again

For the second time this year, YouTube has suspended me from its platform for talking about early treatment options for Covid-19. YouTube’s ongoing Covid censorship proves it has accumulated too much unaccountable power. Big Tech and the mainstream media believe they are smarter than medical doctors who have devoted their lives to science and use their skills to save lives. They have decided there is only one medical viewpoint allowed and it is the viewpoint dictated by government agencies.

The videos YouTube took down were from remarks I made at the Milwaukee Press Club’s newsmaker luncheon. The Press Club ended up reposting the video, saying they “believe it is extremely important to provide information on topics of interest regardless of their political perspective.”

I think they’re right. Interesting that YouTube doesn’t agree.

Milwaukee Press Club Reposts Johnson Video After YouTube Removed It

Fox & Friends Discusses YouTube Censorship of Senator Johnson

Outkick: YouTube Bans Sen. Ron Johnson For Discussing COVID-19 Treatment

Open Minds Can Save Lives

I continue to talk about early treatment for Covid-19 because doctors and patients have told me my hearings have saved lives. Here’s an email I recently received from a constituent.

“I am writing today to thank you for your leadership in Wisconsin as it relates to COVID and alternative treatments. My wife and I watched Dr. Pierre Kory testify before the Senate Committee about ivermectin, Dec. 8, 2020, and we were utterly dumbfounded that this treatment was not readily available as treatment and prevention to the general public.

Little did we know how valuable this hearing would be for us. … Her case was quite severe; she will report that she has never experienced the severity of headaches and body aches in her lifetime as well as severe nausea and high temperatures. As the days progressed, she grew so weak that she was not able to walk without assistance.

As her symptoms worsened, I remembered the hearing you hosted and Dr. Kory. Through your leadership on this issue, I was finally able to connect with a Green Bay doctor that provided my wife real treatment Ivermectin and other support prescriptions. Within an hour of taking Ivermectin, her headaches were gone.”

Juneteenth is Now a Federal Holiday

I would like to dedicate my personal observance of this first official Juneteenth national holiday to a very good man, Pastor Jerome Smith. I know how much this day meant to him, and he deserves this honor. He may have passed from this life, but his light still shines brightly.

Resolutions recognizing the significance of, and celebrating, Juneteenth have unanimously passed with my support in Congress every year I’ve been a U.S. senator. Last year, a bill was introduced to celebrate Juneteenth by providing an additional paid holiday for 2 million federal employees at a cost of $600 million per year. The Senate attempted to pass the bill without debate or an amendment process. Although I strongly support celebrating Emancipation, I objected to the cost and lack of debate. This year, I did not object.

Wisconsin Farmers Federal Lawsuit

Chief Justice Roberts stated, “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”

The Democrat “Covid relief” bill’s discrimination against Wisconsin farmers on the basis of race should be unconstitutional. Every American should have equal protection under the law.

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) Sues Biden Administration

Social Media Highlights