Judiciary Committee Advances Nominations Of Tiffany Cunningham, Anne Milgram, & Kenneth Polite, Jr.

Source: United States Senator for Illinois Dick Durbin


WASHINGTON – The Senate Judiciary Committee today advanced the nominations of Tiffany P. Cunningham, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Federal Circuit, Anne Milgram, to be Administrator of Drug Enforcement, and Kenneth Allen Polite, Jr., to be an Assistant Attorney General of the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Criminal Division. Durbin delivered opening remarks highlighting the nominees’ qualifications and experience. Cunningham received a vote of 16-6; Milgram received a unanimous voice vote; and Polite, Jr. received a vote of 14-8.

Key quotes:

“Ms. Cunningham has exceptional credentials to serve on the bench: an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering from MIT; a law degree from Harvard Law School; and a clerkship on the Federal Circuit. She has been an intellectual property litigator for almost two decades, working on every aspect of patent litigation, from the inception of a case through discovery, trial, and appeal.”

“The American Bar Association has rated Ms. Cunningham unanimously well qualified. She will also be the first Black judge to serve on the Federal Circuit.”

“Ms. Milgram has the experience needed [to head the Drug Enforcement Administration]. This agency has not had a Senate-confirmed Administrator since 2015 – six years. The previous administration did not nominate anyone to lead the DEA despite the opioid epidemic.”

Ms. Milgram’s experience as a prosecutor, an advocate of criminal justice reform, and an expert in data analysis will be instrumental in her leadership at the DEA.”

“Throughout his career, Mr. Polite has served on the boards of numerous community organizations and schools in New Orleans. [He was] appointed by Republican Governor of Louisiana—Bobby Jindal—to serve on the Louisiana Civil Service Commission… Mr. Polite has the support of Louisiana’s Republican Attorney General, Jeff Landry. In a letter to the Committee, Mr. Landry wrote that while serving as U.S. Attorney, ‘Mr. Polite was not only an effective crime fighter, but he was also an invaluable member of the community.’”

Video of Durbin’s opening statement is available here.

Audio of Durbin’s opening statement is available here.

Footage of Durbin’s opening statement is available here for TV Stations.
