Rubio, Johnson, Colleagues Introduce Iran Nuclear Treaty Act to Reaffirm Constitutional Check on Iran Deal

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Washington, D.C. —U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and colleagues introduced the Iran Nuclear Treaty Act. It would require the president to submit any renewed nuclear deal with Iran to the Senate for ratification. The Iran Nuclear Treaty Act would strengthen the role Congress plays by ensuring the advice and consent of the Senate is taken into account for a new nuclear agreement, as well as prevent waiving, suspending, reducing, or limiting the application of sanctions on Iran before the Senate has concurred.

“The Obama Administration entered into a deal that emboldened an evil, anti-American regime in Tehran,” Rubio said. “While I hope the Biden Administration doesn’t repeat this dangerous mistake, we need to make clear to them, and the entire world, that any new ‘Iran Deal’ must be ratified by the United States Senate.”   
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