Capito, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Strengthen TRIO Programs That Assist First-Generation, Low-Income Students Seeking a College Education

Source: United States Senator for West Virginia Shelley Moore Capito

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Jon Tester (D-Mont.), and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) yesterday introduced the Educational Opportunity and Success Act, which would reauthorize and strengthen the federal TRIO Programs. Nationwide, TRIO Programs help ensure that underserved students have equal access to a college education and the support they need to prepare for, succeed in, and graduate from higher education.

TRIO Programs help provide students in West Virginia, and across the country, with the resources and knowledge they need to pursue higher education opportunities. I’m proud to reintroduce this bill, which will enable future students to take advantage of opportunities provided by TRIO. Helping our young men and women receive a high-quality education and build a lifetime of success is vital to the future of our state, and TRIO programs are so helpful in that mission,” Senator Capito said.

Specifically, the Educational Opportunity and Success Act would:

  • Reauthorize funds for the TRIO Programs for the next six years.
  • Establish more reasonable guidelines for notice of pending grant competitions.

The bill would require the U.S. Department of Education to increase its notification period from 45 days to 90 days to help ensure that all prospective TRIO grant applicants have an adequate opportunity to submit a successful application.

  • Remove administrative burdens to ease and update the application process.

The bill would direct those applications denied in error be funded directly out of funds reserved for administrative purposes.

  • Institute common-sense guidelines for TRIO applications.

The bill would make permanent a new policy that was implemented after the Department of Education attempted to reject dozens of TRIO applications in 2017 for arbitrary, non-substantive formatting criteria, such as font size and line spacing.  It would also institute a straightforward appeals process for minor errors.

  • Ease administrative burdens in determining income eligibility.

The bill would allow TRIO administrators to work with colleges’ financial aid offices to more easily identify potential participants by virtue of their Pell-eligibility. Meanwhile, in middle and high schools, TRIO’s Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Centers programs would have the ability to serve all students at schools where more than 40 percent of attendees receive free or reduced-price lunch.

  • Update TRIO eligibility criteria to reflect the most recent FAFSA requirements.

The bill would ensure that TRIO administrators do not have to consult multiple sources of data, but rather may use student’s most recently completed FAFSA to determine program eligibility.

  • Require virtual training to reach more applicants.

The bill would require at least one virtual, interactive training for interested applicants, better ensuring that all areas of the country have the chance to access the TRIO programs.

  • Provide greater flexibility for programs serving non-traditional students.

Recognizing that some students may not go on to higher education immediately after high school or earn a degree within 2 or 4 years, this bill would update criteria for several TRIO programs to provide greater flexibility to non-traditional students, including veterans.

  • Increase student stipends, which have not been updated since 1980.

Full text of the legislation is available here.

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