Young, Colleagues Reintroduce Peace Corps Reauthorization Act

Source: United States Senator for Indiana Todd Young

April 19, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. –– U.S. Senators Todd Young (R-Ind.), Jim Risch (R-Idaho), and Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) reintroduced the Peace Corps Reauthorization Act, bipartisan legislation to reauthorize the Peace Corps for the first time in over two decades. Passed unanimously out of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last year, the bipartisan legislation raises Peace Corps Volunteers’ readjustment allowance, expedites return-to-service opportunities for those impacted by COVID-19 and future comparable emergencies, and increases transparency as it relates to the agency’s Sexual Assault Advisory Council, among other provisions.

“Our Peace Corps volunteers represent American values and serve communities throughout the world in exemplary fashion,” said Senator Young. “Reauthorizing the Peace Corps will provide better support for our volunteers as they continue to work in the field.”

“The Peace Corps is long-overdue for reforms to improve the safety and security of Peace Corps volunteers in the field. Last year, the committee made progress in advancing the first Peace Corps reauthorization in over two decades, but unfortunately it did not make it across the finish line,” said Senator Risch. “Today, we’re reintroducing legislation that will reauthorize the Sexual Assault Advisory Council, mandate security briefings, improve whistleblower protections, and add a new authority to suspend Peace Corps personnel without pay in the event of misbehavior – all important efforts to ensure the Peace Corps can better support volunteers at home and abroad.”

“The Peace Corps plays an invaluable role in U.S. public diplomacy, and it is critical that we modernize the program to best support the selfless Volunteers who dedicate their time and talents to fostering peace, cultural exchange, and friendship around the world,” said Senator Menendez. “Reforms in this bill, including providing for Volunteers’ increased compensation, protection against reprisal and retaliation, and the Peace Corps Advisory Council’s advancement of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, are well overdue and help to ensure that Peace Corps Volunteers represent the talent and the full richness of the American people. I look forward to working with my colleagues to advance this bipartisan legislation, and ultimately secure its passage on the Senate Floor.”

“For over sixty years, the Peace Corps has forged international understanding, promoted shared ideals of democracy and inclusive development, and transformed countless lives,” said Senator Cardin. “Peace Corps volunteers represent some of the most hard-working, dedicated and diverse members of the American workforce—including hundreds of Marylanders who enroll each year. This bill would provide a major boost to volunteers’ standard of living, ensuring they have the resources and support they need to carry out the Peace Corps mission.”

“Serving in the Peace Corps appeals to Idahoans’ sense of duty for volunteerism while promoting democracy abroad,” said Senator Crapo. “Sponsoring this legislation means the Peace Corps can continue their mission and allow others to join the ranks of the 1,432 dedicated Idahoans who have previously served.”

Among its key provisions, the Peace Corps Reauthorization Act of 2023:

  • Authorizes $410,500,000 to be appropriated annually for the Peace Corps for fiscal years 2024 through 2028.

  • Sets a statutory minimum of $375 per month for the Peace Corps Volunteer readjustment allowance.

  • Requires the Peace Corps to establish a safe return to service process for those whose service is interrupted due mandatory evacuations from catastrophic events or global emergencies like COVID-19.

  • Provides a path through which Return Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) are advised on paths to obtain healthcare after their service concludes. Ensures Peace Corps Volunteers receive adequate health care during their service, including health examinations preparatory to their service. 

  • Enumerates procedures and policy to protect Volunteers against reprisal and retaliation.

  • Codifies two years of noncompetitive eligibility for RPCVs. 

  • Mandates the National Advisory Council consider and make recommendations to strengthen Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) efforts at the Peace Corps.

  • Expands Peace Corps eligibility to include United States citizens who are nationals of American Samoa.

  • Extends the Sexual Assault Advisory Council until October 2028 and requires the Council to submit annual reports on their work to Congress.  

In addition to Senators Young, Risch, and Menendez, Senators Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) also joined the resolution.