Reed Marks 13th Anniversary of Affordable Care Act

Source: United States Senator for Rhode Island Jack Reed

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Jack Reed issued the following statement to mark the 13th anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, which Senator Reed voted for, and President Barack Obama signed into law on March 23, 2010:

“I was proud to help pass the Affordable Care Act.  Thirteen years later, I am even prouder of all the law has accomplished so far: the lives it has saved, the coverage it expanded, the families it helped, and the positive impact it has had in Rhode Island and nationwide.

“Critics of the ACA tried to use scare tactics and mislead people about the law.  But the facts speak for themselves: Thanks to the ACA, 40.2 million Americans – who were previously uninsured – gained health insurance.  Since 2013, the ACA – through HealthSource RI — has decreased the uninsured rate in Rhode Island by more than two thirds.  Today, about 97 percent of Rhode Islanders have health coverage, among the highest insured rates in the country.

“The ACA strengthened consumer health protections for all Americans.  It prevents insurers from denying coverage to millions of Americans with preexisting conditions.  It’s provided millions of Americans the peace of mind they need and the financial means to access health care, without worrying they will go bankrupt if they end up in the hospital. 

“While the ACA is responsible for a lot of progress, we still have a long way to go and must prevent partisan attempts to undercut and undo the law.  There are still millions of Americans who lack health coverage, and we need to keep building on efforts to control costs like expanding the $35 cap on insulin and driving down the cost of medications. 

“There is no doubt the ACA is working and we must work together to strengthen the law and build on the progress of the last thirteen years.  I will continue working to cap out-of-pocket prescription drug costs and help lower health costs for all Americans.”