Durbin Talks Protecting Wilderness Areas With Illinois Volunteers From Utah Wilderness Coalition

Source: United States Senator for Illinois Dick Durbin


WASHINGTON – U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) today met with Illinois volunteers from the Utah Wilderness Coalition to discuss protecting lands and wilderness areas across the country.  Durbin plans to reintroduce his legislation, the America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act, which would protect more than eight million acres of land in Utah that is rich in archaeological resources and home to numerous rare plant and animal species. 

“Our public lands are facing increasing pressure, both from development encroachment and from attacks by those who would prefer to see them sold off to the highest bidder,” said Durbin.“I will do my best to protect these wilderness areas, and I spoke with Illinois members of the Utah Wilderness Coalition today who share this same goal.  Together, we can advocate for America’s remaining wild places and work towards the preservation of our national heritage.” 

A photo of the meeting is available here

The lands in America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act were selected through meticulous inventories conducted by a passionate group of volunteers with the Utah Wilderness Coalition. The Bureau of Land Management has confirmed the vast majority of the lands covered by the bill meet the qualifications for wilderness designation. However, as long as they are formally unprotected, these places remain threatened by oil, gas, and tar sands development, as well as rampant off-road vehicle use activities that could significantly damage the lands. Designating these lands as wilderness would safeguard them for wildlife and solitude, help with climate change mitigation, and still accommodate future generations of hunters, anglers, hikers, boaters, and lovers of the natural world.
