Senator Stabenow Statement on President Biden’s Budget Request

Source: United States Senator for Michigan Debbie Stabenow

Friday, May 28, 2021

Senator Debbie Stabenow released the following statement on President Biden’s FY 2022 Budget request, which includes $480 million in funding to upgrade the Soo Locks and $340 million in funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. Senator Stabenow authored the bipartisan Soo Locks Modernization Act, which authorized the project to upgrade our aging Soo Locks.


“A budget is a statement of our nation’s values, and President Biden today showed his commitment to Michigan families. President Biden knows how important the Great Lakes are to our way of life. His budget request almost triples funding from $170 million appropriated last year to $480 million to upgrade our aging Soo Locks. It also increases the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative by $10 million. I applaud his commitment to keeping our Great Lakes healthy for future generations.”


Senator Stabenow’s bill, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act, was signed into law in December 2020. The law reauthorized the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, which was set to expire at the end of FY 2021, for another five years. Senator Stabenow authored the original Great Lakes Restoration Initiative in 2010.


