Source: United States Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss)


Two Northwest Rankin High School Students Represent State in Prestigious National Program 

PHOTO:  U.S. Senators Hyde-Smith and Wicker with Joshua Bowman and Nadia Hardin.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) and Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) today congratulated Joshua Bowman and Nadia Harden, both of Brandon, on their selection to represent Mississippi at the 61st annual United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP).

Bowman and Harden met Wicker and Hyde-Smith this week as part of their participation in the 2023 USSYP.  Each will also receive a $10,000 undergraduate college scholarship from the non-profit Hearst Foundations, which funds the program.  This is the first year the program has taken place in person since 2019.

“Selection to the Senate Youth Program is a momentous accomplishment, and Joshua and Nadia have put in a tremendous amount of work to get here,” Wicker said. “This achievement is well-deserved for such impressive young leaders, and it was my privilege to welcome them to Washington.”

“Delegates to the U.S. Senate Youth Program represent some of the best students a state can offer.  Nadia and Josh are no exception.  Mississippi is well represented by both of these outstanding youths,” Hyde-Smith said.  “I’m impressed with their achievements and drive, and hope this program will influence their future academic and career endeavors.”

The USSYP Washington Week includes 104 student delegates from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Department of Defense Education Activity.  USSYP participants have meetings and briefings with, among others, members of the Senate, a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, and leaders of cabinet agencies.

Bowman, a senior at Northwest Rankin High School, serves as Mu Alpha Theta (Mathematics Honor Society) president and chapter president of Sociedad Honoraria Hispanic.  He is also Student Government executive secretary, National Honor Society vice president, and Beta Club secretary.  Bowman is also a National Merit Semifinalist, captain of the robotics team, and a member of the Mississippi All-State Band.

Harden, also a Northwest Rankin High School senior, is president of the National French Honor Society and Model United Nations.  She is an active member of the National Honor Society and National English Honor Society.  This past summer, Harden participated in a six-week U.S. State Department National Security Language Initiative for Youth scholarship program to study the Korean language in Seoul.

The Mississippi State Department of Education selected the Mississippi delegates and alternates from students nominated by teachers and principals.  The chief state school officer for each jurisdiction confirms the final selection.

The USSYP was created by Senate Resolution 324 in 1962.  It has been fully funded by The Hearst Foundations since its inception.  No government funds are used.
