ICYMI: Alaskans are United in Support of the Willow Project

Source: United States Senator for Alaska Lisa Murkowski


ICYMI: Alaskans are United in Support of the Willow Project

 WASHINGTON, DC – As the Biden administration prepares to issue its final decision on ConocoPhillips’ Willow Project, a crucial energy initiative on Alaska’s North Slope, Alaskans are showing unity in their strong backing of the meticulously-planned, socially-just, and environmentally-sound project.

 Willow will bolster Alaska’s economy, strengthen national and energy security, and support communities on the North Slope and across the state. But don’t take our word for it: see below for examples of how Alaskans are coming together to urge the project’s reapproval.  

North Slope Residents Strongly Support Willow


North Slope residents speak to what the Willow Project means for their lives and communities, and what they stand to lose if it isn’t approved.



Murkowski and Sullivan Convene Virtual Roundtable with Alaska Native Leaders from the North Slope


Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan (both R-AK) joined prominent Iñupiat leaders for an on-the-record media roundtable to discuss the Willow Project and what its reapproval will mean for the North Slope. A strong majority of Alaska Natives who live on the North Slope support Willow based on its careful design, small footprint, and the economic and quality-of-life benefits that its reapproval will bring.


Words of Support from Alaskans



  • LETTER: Voice of the Arctic Inupiat Writes to Biden Administration to Advance Willow Project
    • Excerpt: “There are many misperceptions about the local community’s stance on Willow, many perpetuated by groups with no connection to our people, our heritage, or our lands. We write to make things clear: the majority consensus on the North Slope supports the Willow Project. Its economic benefits to our communities are clear, as is Willow’s ability to coexist with our subsistence traditions. Anything less than the advancement of the Bureau of Land Management’s identified Alternative E would represent a generational economic setback to our people and region and imperil the traditions that form the bedrock of our Iñupiaq culture.”
  • LETTER: North Slope Borough and Iñupiat Community of the Arctic Slope Call on Biden Administration To Support Their Region by Approving Alternative E for Willow
    • Excerpt: “We demand that our voices be heard by this Administration. Our native leaders, the majority of whom are subsistence hunters, strongly support this project and do not believe that it will significantly impact subsistence hunting. This is also the opinion of our subsistence experts, our North Slope Borough Wildlife Department biologists, and others with expertise in this region. By working cooperatively with Bureau of Land Management and ConocoPhillips, we have developed the Willow Project into something that will benefit our region while minimizing impacts to the land, animals, and our subsistence lifestyle. After all the meetings, consultations, workshops, comments, EISs, permits, community debates, and lawsuits, to not select Alternative E at this late stage would be to ignore the Indigenous voices in the Arctic.”


Sen. Murkowski Underscores Strong Support for Willow Project,

Calls on Administration to Select Alternative E


Senator Murkowski recently spoke on the Senate floor to reiterate her support of the Willow Project, describing it as a chance to protect energy and national security, support Alaska Native communities and the entire state of Alaska, and improve the livelihoods and life expectancy of Alaska Natives.  



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