VIDEO: Capito Calls Out Rampant Overreach by the Biden Administration

Source: United States Senator for West Virginia Shelley Moore Capito

Click here or on the image above to watch Senator Capito’s floor speech.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today led her Republican colleagues in a series of floor speeches focused on the Biden administration’s overreach, the consequences this overreach has created for American families and communities, and Republican efforts to hold the administration accountable.


BALANCE OF POWERS: “Typically, this is a lesson we all learned in high school. But, it seems like President Biden and his administration must have missed that lecture on Balance of Powers because their actions throughout the last two years have shown a lot of disrespect for our Constitution.”

IMPACT ON EVERYDAY LIFE: “We’ve seen overreach from the Biden administration in areas that impact just about everything – whether it’s how we heat our homes, or whether we’re going to have a gas stove or not, how we fuel our cars, how we educate our children, how we move goods across the country, how we spend private investments, how we enforce law and order, or even how we define water. Plain and simple: President Biden and unelected bureaucrats in Washington are continuously overstepping their boundaries, creating hurdles, and interfering with how we live our everyday lives.”

REPUBLICAN SOLUTIONS: “In the face of such rampant overreach, my Senate Republican colleagues and I continue to push back on President Biden’s out-of-touch mandates, and bring the voices of American people to the table.”

ON WOTUS CRA: “This all comes in at a time when we should be streamlining our nation’s permitting and review process. Instead, the administration is using their classic overreach tactics to make more projects subject to federal permitting requirements, and add more bureaucratic red tape. My CRA gives every member of Congress the chance to stand with our farmers, ranchers, landowners, miners, and builders.”

BIDEN NEEDS A HISTORY LESSON: “As my colleagues and I highlight the continuous level of overreach this administration has grown comfortable with, I would suggest that the president reference a U.S. history book, and leave the legislating to the legislators. Until then, my colleagues and I will continue to stand for the way of life outside the Beltway, and provide solutions that strengthen our families and communities, instead of having setbacks.”

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