Cotton Introduces Bill to Recognize Arkansas Museum as the “National Cold War Center”

Source: United States Senator for Arkansas Tom Cotton

Contact: Caroline Tabler or James Arnold (202) 224-2353
February 7, 2023

Cotton Introduces Bill to Recognize Arkansas Museum as the “National Cold War Center” 

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today introduced a bill to designate the Cold War museum at the Blytheville/Eaker Air Force Base in Blytheville, Arkansas as the “National Cold War Center.” Senator John Boozman (R-Arkansas) is an original co-sponsor of the legislation. Congressman Rick Crawford (Arkansas-01) introduced companion legislation in the House. Bill text can be found here.

Eaker Air Force Base played a key role in the defense of our nation during the Cold War—we ought to preserve its legacy and encourage the continued education of future generations. Our bill will officially recognize the museum in Blytheville as the nation’s National Cold War Center, which will help preserve this important history and be a boon to local tourism,” said Senator Cotton.

“We have a good story to tell. Blytheville played a vital role in America’s national security and helped safeguard the world against the threat of nuclear war. The community is dedicated to preserving this history. I’m proud to join the effort designating this exhibit as the National Cold War Center so we can pay tribute and share the experiences of men and women who served at Eaker Air Force Base,” said Senator Boozman.

“As a Cold War veteran, I can say it was a pivotal time in American history when the threats were tremendous but we were all united in defeating our enemies. I applaud those at the Blytheville Cold War Center who have kept alive this period and remind us of the threat that communism poses. Giving this historic military base Congressional recognition will ensure that the museum is able to continue to teach its visitors about the Cold War for generations to come,” said Congressman Crawford.
