Kennedy, Cruz introduce legislation to stop federal funding of non-citizen voting

Source: United States Senator John Kennedy (Louisiana)

WASHINGTON – Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) today joined Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in introducing a bill to prohibit the federal funding of non-citizen voting in Washington, D.C. Additionally, Kennedy joined Cruz in introducing a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to overturn a District of Columbia law that allows the use of federal funds to facilitate illegal aliens’ voting in elections.

“No one earns the right to vote in American elections by entering and living in our country illegally. Congress has an obligation to uphold our Constitution, safeguard our elections and stop renegade policies like these from nullifying the vote and voice of American citizens,” said Kennedy. 

“Allowing non-citizens, including aliens occupying our nation illegally, to exercise a right reserved for American citizens not only violates the constitutional principles our nation was founded upon, but also naively invites foreign meddling in our elections. Voting is a privilege and the tool by which American citizens exercise their say in who leads our country, how they spend our tax dollars, and what policies should be instituted. I am vehemently against unconstitutionally cheapening the votes of American citizens and ignoring the rule of law in this nation,” said Cruz.

The full bill text is here and the CRA resolution is here