Shaheen Continues “Invest in NH” Tour, Highlighting Federal Awards to Support the Nursing Workforce & Local Infrastructure Renovations

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

January 17, 2023

**In the final government funding bill for fiscal year (FY) 2023, Shaheen – a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee – secured more than $111 million to support NH projects** 

Shaheen visiting Plymouth State University to discuss their Nursing Workforce Expansion project. 


Shaheen listening to project plans for the Littleton Riverfront Commons. 


Shaheen discussing challenges around traffic safety in Whitefield. 

(Plymouth, NH) — Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, continued her “Invest in NH” tour with stops in Plymouth, Littleton and Whitefield. The “Invest in NH” tour highlights important projects for which Shaheen secured funding through the fiscal year (FY) 2023 government funding bill that was signed into law, which includes more than $111 million for New Hampshire projects through the congressionally directed spending (CDS) process.  

She kicked off her day with a visit to Plymouth State University (PSU) to highlight the $2.1 million CDS award she secured to support their Nursing Workforce Expansion project. The funding will improve the physical learning space and expand capacity to admit and educate well-qualified nursing students. 

“We’ve experienced the dire challenges posed by shortages in our nursing workforce – particularly amid the pandemic. Now is the time to invest in robust nursing training and support to put quality health care within reach for every Granite Stater. I’m excited to secure funding for PSU’s Nursing Workforce Expansion project to do just that,” said Shaheen

“We were honored to welcome Senator Shaheen to campus to tour our current nursing facilities and simulation lab and visit with nursing students, faculty and staff,” said the President of Plymouth State University, Donald Birx, Ph.D. “The senator’s securing of CDS funding enables PSU to continue to grow our nursing program, allowing us to continue to educate New Hampshire’s next generation of nurses.”

Later this afternoon, Shaheen headed to Littleton to discuss the $300,000 CDS award she included in the 2023 government funding bill to help complete the Littleton Riverfront Commons. The park will include open community greenspace, walking paths and trail connections, lighting, educational gathering space and parking improvements. Today, Shaheen learned about plans for the project and the anticipated timeline for completion.  

“The Littleton Riverfront Commons will bring new energy to downtown and provide a gathering location for the residents of Littleton. I’m thrilled to support this innovative greenspace that will help Granite Staters enjoy nature and experience historical and educational opportunities in their own town. It was great to meet with town officials today to discuss what’s in store for Littleton,” said Shaheen.  

Shaheen closed out the day in Whitefield to discuss a $1.4 million CDS award she secured to make long-needed repairs to Union Street. The funding will support road reconstruction and drainage to address long-standing issues with flooding and road and sidewalk deterioration. 

“Visiting Whitefield was important to celebrate much-needed funding to address significant safety concerns for traffic on Union Street. From helping ensure the safety of students walking to and from Whitefield Elementary to addressing longstanding drainage challenges, this funding will make a real difference in the community. I am committed to ensuring every town across New Hampshire has the resources needed to modernize infrastructure and ensure safety,” said Shaheen

As a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and Chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies (CJS), Shaheen worked to include $111,359,972 for 105 New Hampshire projects in the final government funding legislation for fiscal year 2023. These projects respond to a myriad of issues uniquely facing New Hampshire, including expanding access to health care, updating water infrastructure, increasing affordable housing and more. Through her leadership, she also helps write the legislation that funds key federal programs that respond to the substance use disorder crisis, help domestic and sexual violence survivors, invest in law enforcement programs, spur research and innovation and much more.    
