Shaheen Leads NH Delegation in Applauding $3.9M to New England to Support Ocean & Coastal Management Projects & Data Sharing

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

January 17, 2023

(Manchester, NH) —U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) – Chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee that funds the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) – today led an announcement with Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and U.S. Representatives Annie Kuster (NH-02) and Chris Pappas (NH-01) welcoming $3,924,563 to New England to support ocean and coastal management through the Northeast Regional Ocean Council. The award supports efforts around water level monitoring, expanding green infrastructure and engaging with the commercial fishing industry and regional stakeholders around coastal and ocean priorities.  

The funding comes from the bipartisan infrastructure law – which Shaheen and Hassan helped negotiate and the entire delegation supported – and was announced by the NOAA. As Chair of the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies (CJS) Appropriations Subcommittee, Shaheen fights for strong climate science and resilience funding for the agency in the annual government funding legislation. Senator Hassan helped introduce bipartisan legislation that became law last month to strengthen the regional ocean partnerships that are receiving this NOAA funding.

“New Hampshire’s coastal communities drive local economies and are home to cutting-edge research around ocean monitoring. Particularly as the climate crisis worsens, this research and data sharing helps Granite State communities like the Seacoast region adapt to changing water levels and bolster resilience – including for key stakeholders like our fishermen,” said Senator Shaheen. “As both the Chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee that funds NOAA and a lead negotiator of the bipartisan infrastructure law, I’m thrilled to see this funding reach New England.” 

“New Hampshire’s coastal economy plays a big role in driving our state forward, and this award will help ensure that we continue to expand best ocean and fishing management practices for the future,” said Senator Hassan. “I was pleased to help negotiate the bipartisan infrastructure law that made this funding possible, and build on this progress by passing into law new bipartisan legislation last month to strengthen our regional ocean partnerships. I will continue to work across the aisle to support New Hampshire’s environment and economy for generations to come.”

“We must protect our coastline and surrounding communities here in New Hampshire and all across New England – for the benefit of our state, our economy, and our environment,” said Rep. Kuster. “I was proud to help secure this funding in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Package to ensure we have the data and research capabilities to tackle climate change head-on and best address the challenges it creates.”

“With our coastal communities vulnerable to rising sea levels, it’s important they have the resources to monitor and mitigate these environmental changes. This funding from the bipartisan infrastructure law will support ocean and coastal management to ensure that New Hampshire’s coastal communities, economy, and fishing industry can continue to grow and thrive,” said Rep. Pappas. “I’m pleased to see this investment coming to New Hampshire, and I look forward to seeing its many benefits.”

More information on this funding announcement from the NOAA is available here.  

As Chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee that funds NOAA, Shaheen routinely secures robust funding for programs that address numerous issues impacting New Hampshire, from offsetting at-sea monitoring fees to combating the climate crisis. In the fiscal year 2023 government funding law, she secured $6.37 billion for NOAA – which is an increase of $495 million or 8 percent over last year’s funding level. This includes $761 million for NOAA research, much of which pertains to combating the climate crisis. This funding will help coastal communities in New Hampshire and across the nation bolster their resilience to changing climate, as well as support ocean health and research. In addition, the law invests in successful job-creating programs, sustainable economic development and environmental restoration. Thanks to Shaheen’s continued leadership on the issue, the funding law covers the full cost of at-sea monitoring in the New England groundfish fishery. 

Shaheen was also a lead negotiator of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, particularly around provisions that address water infrastructure and broadband. This legislation provides a $550 billion investment in our nation’s core infrastructure priorities – including roads and bridges, rail, transit, ports, airports, the electric grid, water systems and broadband. In June 2021, Shaheen joined President Biden and a bipartisan group of senators to announce the framework of the package.
