Rubio Warns of Discrimination as Biden Issues New Rule on Faith-Based Charities

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Faith-based charities play an important role in helping individuals and families in need throughout their communities. For decades, faith-based charities also served as boots on the ground for federal assistance ranging from adoption services and job training to food pantries and housing. A new notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) issued by the Biden Administration would empower agencies to impose new restrictions on faith-based charities with federal partnerships. Those limitations could force faith-based organizations to violate their faith if they want to continue serving their communities in partnership with the federal government.
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) warned the proposal opens the door to federal discrimination against faith-based organizations and pushed for Senate action on his Lifting Local Communities Act, which would make it easier for faith-based organizations to apply for and receive government grants and other types of funding without fear of arbitrary limitations or vindictive litigation.

  • “President Biden’s new rules will empower agencies to discriminate against faith-based charities, likely hurting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. Instead of targeting and punishing people living out their faith through service to others, we should be making it easier for churches and other faith-based organizations to help lift up Americans in need.” – Senator Rubio

Flashback … Rubio introduced the Lifting Local Communities Act in August 2022. It was also included in his Providing for Life Act, a comprehensive proposal to support pregnant and new moms, as well as their young children.
Looking forward … Rubio will soon reintroduce his Lifting Local Communities Act and push for Senate action to ensure that faith-based organizations do not have to compromise their beliefs to provide critical social services to those in need.