Murkowski Delivers Congressionally Directed Spending for 130+ Alaska Projects

Source: United States Senator for Alaska Lisa Murkowski


U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, a senior member of the Appropriations Committee and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, today announced that she secured close to $500 million in Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) in the Consolidated Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2023. The funding will benefit over 130 community-driven projects in Alaska.

Through this process, Murkowski delivered significant investments for workforce development, fisheries, public safety, higher education, infrastructure, protection from natural disasters, wildfire mitigation, water and wastewater, the Alaska gasline project, outdoor recreation, contaminated lands cleanup, legacy well cleanup, mental and behavioral health, public health, military construction, defense, and more.

After the Senate’s bipartisan passage of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, Murkowski released the following statement:

“Leaders from across Alaska have come to me requesting help on needs and priorities for their communities. I have listened to their requests, and I’m proud to deliver significant assistance in the form of direct, targeted funding to projects throughout our state.

“This year’s CDS process will benefit dozens and dozens of communities and nearly every sector in our state—from health and public safety to fisheries and workforce development and much, much more.

“Alaskans have shared their anxieties on the workforce, housing, and food security. I’m particularly pleased with the funding we secured to help address those challenges, which will make our communities safer and our economies stronger. Other projects will strengthen Alaska on so many fronts—from climate resilience to wildfire protection, cleaner water, and a higher quality of life for our military members and their families.

“I thank the Alaskans who identified these needs, and then worked closely with me and my team to bring this funding to our state. Together, we are creating a brighter future for the beautiful place we call home.”

The CDS process, which resumed in FY 2022, allows Alaskans to identify and receive federal assistance for needs in the state. It helps restore Congress’ Constitutional power of the purse, accounts for no more than one percent of federal discretionary spending, and does not increase overall spending levels. Without this process, many of the dollars now headed for Alaska would go to other states based on decisions made by federal departments and agencies. 

Murkowski secured the following CDS projects for Alaska in the FY 2023 omnibus: 

Congressionally Directed Spending Allocations for Alaska

Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies

  • Aniak: $221,000 to TKC Fish Wheel, to construct the Arviiq Regional Economic Development and Training Center.
    • “These funds will allow us to outfit the Arviiq Regional Training and Economic Development Center with critical equipment needed to provide opportunities for the people of the Middle Kuskokwim Region. More Alaskans will now access to education, training and workforce development resources without having to leave their homes where their families and communities rely on them. We are grateful to Senator Murkowski for recognizing the value of local capacity building in Rural Alaska.” -Andrea Gusty, President & CEO, The Kuskokwim Corporation
  • Bethel: $9.9 million to expand the main training building on the Yuut Elitnaurviat Campus to provide a permanent home for the Kuskokwim Learning Academy.
    • “In 2016 The Kuskokwim Learning Academy, the YK Delta’s alternative boarding school, burned to the ground. Yuut Elitnaurviat brought the students and staff home to our campus that same day. It has taken six years, but we can now, thanks to this generous support, finally build KLA the school our kids deserve. Students from throughout our region will have access to state-of-the-art classrooms as well as Yuut’s robust vocational programs. KLA will grow and become a magnet school where education is innovative and linked to real world opportunities.” Mike Hoffman, Executive Director, Yuut Elitnaurviat
  • Kenai: $4.6 million to construct a new clubhouse for the Boys and Girls Club of the Kenai Peninsula clubhouse.
    • “The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Kenai Peninsula has 7 Clubs in 5 communities that provide educational, enrichment and leadership programs for over 2,400 youth ages 5 to 18. But our ability to serve all the youth who need these services, and their parents who need afterschool and summer childcare while they work, is limited. Having our forever facility for a Clubhouse and a Head Start center will not only result in increased numbers of youth served, but it will also allow the Club to more efficiently utilize resources. As a result, we will be able to serve more youth more often, provide additional programs and days, and employ more Kenai Peninsula residents.  This project will help increase the earning power of parents and youth when they become adults; these services and programs will benefit our communities, region, and state!” – Shanette Wik, CEO, Boys & Girls Clubs of the Kenai Peninsula
  • Kenai: $1 million to the Alaska Children’s Institute to rebuild a community theater.
    • “The arts make kids smarter, forge life-long friendships and create the leaders of tomorrow. When a fire destroyed our community’s children’s theatre it was a devastating blow.  This funding obtained for the rebuilding of the theater by Senator Murkowski’s efforts is a game changer. The theater and all its life-changing programs for youth will rise from the ashes thanks to this congressionally directed spending. Children and youth will thrive and once again be on a path of becoming their best selves.” – Joe Rizzo, President, Alaska Children’s Institute for the Performing Arts
  • Kotzebue: $825,000 to the University of Alaska Fairbanks for renovations and safety improvements to the Chukchi Campus in Kotzebue.
    • “This project will equip the Kotzebue community with a modern facility to provide world-class education to residents in the area and in Alaska. The building renewal will update the facility to modern fire and accessibility codes, allowing us to continue supporting program offerings from the building and maintaining the option for rural and Alaska Native students to receive a high-quality education in their region. Thank you to Senator Murkowski for supporting the Chukchi Campus mission, “Iñuunaiyu?iksra?at Piqutigiplugu– For the purpose of a good life.” – Interim Chukchi Campus Director Minnie Naylor
  • Nome: $2.2 million to the Norton Sound Health Corporation for construction on a childcare facility.
    • “On behalf of NSHC, thank you for dedicating funds to support NSHC’s vision to provide employee and patient day care services on campus at Norton Sound Regional Hospital. The lack of housing and day care options are two of the biggest challenges hindering recruitment and retention for our organization. A building concept is under design.” – Angie Gorn, President and CEO, Norton Sound Regional Hospital
  • Utqia?vik: $5 million to Ilisa?vik College to advance and complete the design phase of a new college campus.
    • “On behalf of our Board of Trustees, staff, faculty, and most importantly our students, we humbly say a sincere “quyanaqpak” (thank you) to Senator Murkowski for her continued advocacy and support towards I?isa?vik College. The Senator understands our mission and vision is aware of our needs.  She has visited our campus, heard directly from our students, and sees the positive impacts of higher education. Our tribal college has a state-wide reach that continues to grow.  We look forward to the increased opportunities that will come with our new campus, increasing the number of Alaskan people and communities that we serve. Iglaurugut suvunmun – We are moving forward!” – Justina Wilhelm, President, I?isa?vik College
  • Wasilla: $17,000 to Family Promise Mat-Su for childcare facility improvements.

Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies

  • Anchorage: $500,000 to the University of Alaska Anchorage to implement a forensic training program for healthcare providers and advocates. 
    • “Thank you to Senator Murkowski and her staff for continuing to be such strong advocates for victims of violence. Alaskan healthcare providers need more tools, training, resources, and collaboration to provide comprehensive care that includes medical Forensic principles and trauma informed care. The Alaska Comprehensive Training Forensic Academy (ACTFA) is designed to meet that need. Provision of these funds will enable ACFTA to reach communities and stakeholders across the state in order to increase engagement regarding community capacity to respond to all victims of violence.” – Angelia Trujillo, Professor at School of Nursing at University of Alaska Anchorage
  • Anchorage: $250,000 for law enforcement technology and equipment, specifically for the Anchorage Police Department to replace and upgrade cameras.
    • “This funding will allow the Anchorage Police Department to implement an array of advancements to improve operational efficiency and outcomes. Our current inventory has reached the end of its lifespan and upgrading our vehicles and radios are necessary for our officers to serve the public in a safe and efficient manner.” – APD Police Chief Michael Kerle
  • Anchorage: $2 million for replacement of police vehicles.
  • Anchorage: $1.7 million for law enforcement technology and equipment, specifically for the Anchorage Police Department to replace radios. 
    • “The APDEA greatly appreciates Senator Murkowski’s commitment to public safety in Anchorage.  As the President of APDEA, I represent over 500 members of Alaska’s largest police department, and I, along with the men and women who protect us all on a daily basis, are grateful for this much needed funding.”  – APDEA President Jeremy Conkling
  • Bering Sea: $2.7 million for the Bering Sea Fisheries Research Foundation to monitor commercial fisheries in the Bering Sea.
    • “Collapsing Bering Sea crab stocks need immediate attention and urgent research to help understand causes and inform efforts toward recovery.  Crab fishermen and processors are in survival mode due to enormous economic losses from recent season closures with associated impacts rippling through Alaskan communities.  This CDS funding will support critical collaborative research through direct involvement with the Alaska crab industry and agency partners.  Research is expected to provide further clarity to stakeholders and managers on what’s next for crab and the ability to conduct this research through the Bering Sea Fisheries Research Foundation further mitigates economic impacts on the crab industry that directly funds BSFRF.  This CDS will vitalize research efforts toward rebuilding the stocks to sustainable levels to support Alaskan fishermen, and to bring back critical jobs and economic livelihood to Alaskan communities.” – Scott Goodman, Executive Director, Bering Sea Fisheries Research Foundation
  • Fairbanks/Statewide: $1 million to the University of Alaska Fairbanks to support research on seasonal weather forecasting.
    • “Funds for Arctic seasonal weather forecasting and improved seasonal prediction of sea ice and environmental conditions will support a collaboration between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Arctic Testbed and Climate Prediction Center and the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ Experimental Arctic Prediction Initiative. In particular, funds will support development and validation of improved forecast models, focusing on Arctic hazards such as wildfires, flooding or extreme events that impact coastal communities in Alaska’s Arctic.  Engagement with stakeholders, especially underserved rural communities, will inform our activity about needs for particular seasonal forecast products and the optimal methods for the delivery of forecast information.  The experimental products and formats will, in turn, inform the National Weather Service Alaska Region and other NOAA entities to foster a transition from research to operations. Thank you to Senator Murkowski for her tireless efforts to further our understanding and living conditions in the ever changing Arctic.” – Hajo Eicken, Director of the International Arctic Research Center (IARC) at the University of Alaska Fairbanks
  • Fairbanks/Statewide: $1.7 million to the University of Alaska Fairbanks to conduct baseline marine fishery surveys.
    • “Funding for Baseline Fisheries Surveys will usher in a new era of environmental monitoring in support of an ecosystem approach to Alaska fisheries management. Autonomous underwater vehicles deployed and piloted by UAF scientists will collect subsurface data to better characterize the state of Alaska’s marine ecosystem. This information will inform the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council as it assess ecosystem status and harvest levels. I’d like to thank Senator Murkowski for her steadfast support of UAF research and Alaska’s fisheries.” – Dr. Seth L. Danielson, Associate Professor of Oceanography, University of     Alaska Fairbanks
  • St. Paul/Statewide: $250,000 to the Aleut Community of St. Paul Island for surveillance monitoring of fisheries and ecosystems.
  • Statewide: $3 million to the Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault to support victim service organizations.
    • “We cannot say thank you enough to our Senator for working tirelessly to ensure victims of crime have access to the resources they need to heal. These funds will ensure that ANDVSA can continue the work we have started with underserved populations to ensure they have access to support services.  It will also strengthen the infrastructure of Alaska’s victims services organizations so they can continue walking the journey of healing with those who have been harmed.” – Brenda Stanfill, Executive Director of ANDVSA
  • Statewide: $4 million to the Alaska Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault to support advocacy organizations and services for victims of violent crime.
  • Statewide: $1 million to the Alaska Police and Fire Chaplains to support counseling and emotional support programs for victims of crime and law enforcement officers.
  • Utqia?vik: $2.7 million to the North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management for marine mammal and co-management research on the North Slope.
    • “These funds will support research on the North Slope of Alaska necessary for the effective co-management of marine mammals by Alaska Natives.  These studies will promote food security for our communities and will help ensure that our subsistence resources are available for future generations.” – North Slope Borough Mayor Harry Brower, Jr.
  • Yukon River Drainage: $825,000 to the Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association to support research, surveys, and community engagement.
    • “We are very excited to receive the funding for the Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association. The funds will allow us to be able to work more closely with Yukon River communities we serve. The last few years have been very difficult with no salmon fishing on the Yukon River, so the funding will ensure the people have a space to provide their knowledge and expertise in the fisheries they have lived off of for generations. We want to thank Sen. Lisa Murkowski for her dedication in serving the people of the Yukon River and the salmon they rely on. Quyana.” – Serena Fitka, Executive Director, Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association

Energy and Water Development

  • Statewide: $4 million to the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation to assist in conducting the necessary analysis for a Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) study for a liquid natural gas pipeline in Alaska.
    • “On behalf of AGDC, we are grateful Senator Murkowski included this vital funding. This legislation bolsters federal backing for the Alaska LNG Project and adds to the federal record of support for exporting LNG from Alaska, which includes $28 billion in federal loan guarantees. This project funding will kickstart front-end engineering and design work to finalize technologies and execution strategies, and update cost estimates and schedules. Alaska LNG is poised to reduce energy bills and improve air quality in Alaska and achieve national objectives such as supplying Asian allies with clean, reliable, and stable energy, greatly reducing global carbon emissions, and strengthening energy security.” -Alaska Gasline Development Corporation (AGDC) President Frank Richards
  • Statewide: $1.5 million to the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative to study the feasibility of deploying marine energy in rural Alaska.  
  • Ambler: $650,000 to the City of Ambler to expand the City’s current fuel storage capacity to be able to adequately store enough fuel supply for the community’s stove oil and gasoline needs without having to rely on costly air deliveries in winter months.
  • False Pass: $1.25 million for procurement, assembly, and installation of a hydrokinetic power system for the City of False Pass. This system will provide for renewable energy as an alternative to high-cost diesel generation.
  • Homer: $300,000 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to conduct the feasibility study for the proposed large vessel harbor expansion in Homer.
  • St. George: $2.5 million to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District to support priority funding for the federal share for Preliminary Engineering and Design and Construction of St. George Harbor.
  • Unalaska: $2.5 million to the City of Unalaska for reliability and efficiency upgrades for Unalaska’s electrical distribution system.
  • Unalaska Channels: $25.6 million to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to expand Dutch Harbor.

Financial Services and General Government

  • Anchorage: $6 million to the Alaska Community Foundation to support the preservation, processing, and digitization of records of Alaskan leaders.
    • “We are grateful for Senator Lisa Murkowski and her staff, and the entire Alaska delegation, for their support in advancing the Alaska Leaders Archive project. This is an important first step as we work to ensure a deeper understanding of Alaska’s unique history from the leaders who helped build our state.” – Hugh Ashlock, board member of the Alaska Leaders Archive
  • Statewide: $1 million to the University of Alaska Anchorage to expand UAA’s business development services to rural and young entrepreneurs in Alaska.
    • “With the unprecedented amount of new infrastructure, broadband and transportation projects coming to Alaska due to the amazing work of our Congressional delegation, economic opportunities have never been better for the state’s small businesses. This appropriation will enable the Alaska SBDC to help Alaskans all over the state take advantage of those opportunities through the expansion of the BuyAlaska program which helps promote the power of buying local, our Rural Development program which will help remote and rural entrepreneurs, thrive and grow as well as supporting the newly launched State Small Business Credit Initiative which will drive hundreds of millions of dollars in new private sector investments into Alaska’s businesses. On behalf of the Alaska SBDC, thank you to Senator Murkowski for her efforts to secure funding to support our work to help all of Alaska’s small businesses.” – Jon Bittner, Executive Director of the Alaska Small Business Development Center (SBDC), located at the University of Alaska Anchorage

Homeland Security

  • Anchorage: $500,000 to the Municipality of Anchorage to replace the roof of the Anchorage Emergency Operations Center. 
  • Dillingham: $5 million to the City of Dillingham for shoreline protection for the City’s sewage facility.
  • Ouzinkie: $2 million to the Native Village of Ouzinkie to mitigate potential disaster threat implications from major tsunami events through the construction of an Emergency Response Shelter and Equipment Staging Complex.

Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

  • Anchorage: $13 million to the Municipality of Anchorage for the safe disposal of wastewater in Anchorage.
    • “I want to thank Senator Murkowski for bringing close to $60 million dollars in federal funding to Anchorage. I appreciate the partnership and collaboration of the Senator and her staff to advance work on critical projects that will enhance public safety and infrastructure across Anchorage and create jobs for Alaskans.”  – Municipality of Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson
  • Anchorage: $4 million to implement the Municipality of Anchorage’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
    • “The threat of a major wildland-urban interface fire in the Municipality is the single largest safety hazard facing our community. Thanks to this funding secured by Senator Murkowski, we will be able to fully implement our Community Wildfire Protection Plan and resume addressing the dangerous fuels that have accumulated during the last decade. We thank Senator Murkowski for hearing our concerns and taking action for the benefit of the Municipality and those we serve.”  – Anchorage Fire Chief Doug Schrage
  • Chickaloon: $250,000 for the Chickaloon Native Village for a community well.
    • “Chickaloon Village Traditional Council is excited to partner with Senator Murkowski on an initiative to bring healthy, drinking water to the community of Chickaloon. We are grateful for the opportunity to develop this collaborative public project. This new facility will strengthen community health and resilience through the creation of a public water system.” – Lisa Wade, Chickaloon Village Traditional Council’s Executive Director
  • Chignik: $5.3 million to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium for safe drinking water in Chignik.
    • “Quyana (thank you) to Senator Murkowski for your unwavering advocacy and commitment to the health of our people and communities. These projects are essential to maintain access to clean drinking water and safely dispose of solid waste, addressing longstanding safety and providing improved health for children and families in these communities.” – Valerie Nurr’araluk Davidson, President/CEO of Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
    • “The new water distribution system would reverse the negative impacts of the significant daily loss of clean water, and bring relief to our operators and staff, who work tirelessly to maintain the current system which has caused years of anxiety and panic on a regular basis. Finally a clean and reliable water source for our families, children, fishing and subsistence lifestyles that we all depend highly on!” – Michelle Anderson, Chignik Lagoon Village Council Administrator
  • Chugach National Forest: $2.3 million to construct and improve recreational trails and access on the Iditarod National Historic Trail.
    • “Alaska Trails is excited about the funding for significant trail projects included in the omnibus appropriations package. These projects will be a great benefit to both outdoor recreation and the economy in Alaska. We are grateful to Senator Murkowski for her efforts to spur this investment in Alaska’s trail infrastructure and are excited to hit the ground in the new year to make them happen. From a pedestrian pathway along the Parks Highway to trail connections in the Chugach National Forest – these projects will bring benefits to Alaskan communities. Alaska Trails is especially pleased to see the National Scenic Trail Feasibility Study for the Alaska Long Trail in the package as that project will have long-lasting benefits to the state and we are eager to help plan and build that visionary trail from Seward to Fairbanks.” – Alaska Trails Executive Director Steve Cleary
  • Craig: $760,000 for upgrades to Craig’s wastewater treatment plant.
    • “This project will help us replace sewer lift stations that are at the end of their expected life. New lift stations will increase effectiveness; help protect the environment and public health; and will decrease operations and maintenance costs for the system. While these might not be the most exciting projects that we get to work on, funding for critical aging water and sewer infrastructure in communities is critical to the health, viability, and growth of our Southeast Alaska towns. The congressionally directed spending process has helped us to close a funding gap that is traditionally difficult to fill while keeping utility rates for small town Alaskans affordable.” – Brian Templin, Craig City Administrator
  • Denali: $2.2 million for the design and construction of pedestrian pathways along the Parks Highway corridor in the Denali Borough.
  • Eagle River: $4.5 million to the Municipality of Anchorage for the safe disposal of wastewater in Eagle River.
  • Girdwood: $1.6 million to replace the Ruane Road culvert in Girdwood.
  • Girdwood: $2.5 million for a sewer access project, for the safe disposal of wastewater in Girdwood.
  • Juneau: $2.5 million to the City and Borough of Juneau to design and construct a commercial-scale composting facility to serve Juneau residents and businesses.
    • “This project is a game changer for waste treatment and reduction in Juneau. The community has 20 years left in our current landfill; the Assembly has committed to a zero-waste initiative to extend the life of the facility. Approximately 25% of the waste stream is organics which in addition to filling up valuable landfill space creates unpleasant odors.   Organics that don’t go in the landfill sometimes go down the drain in garbage disposals, driving up the cost of wastewater treatment. A municipal composting facility is a triple win for Juneau: less odors, less trash, less costly wastewater treatment. It will provide an important example for communities across southeast that struggle with solid waste.” – Juneau City Manager Rorie Watt
  • Kenai: $875,000 to the Alaska Electric & Energy Cooperative, Inc. for the installation of a combined heat and power project at the Kenai Peninsula Borough’s Central Peninsula Landfill.
    • “Homer Electric Association, Inc. (HEA) appreciates federal investment in its landfill gas to energy project on the Kenai Peninsula. This project will save the Kenai Peninsula Borough money, increase HEA’s generation capabilities and reduce harmful methane emissions. The project produces positive outcomes for the State of Alaska, the Kenai Peninsula Borough and HEA members. We appreciate Senator Murkowski tireless efforts to invest in our state and local communities.” – Brad Janorschke, General Manager of Homer Electric Association, Inc.
  • Kenai: $2.9 million for the safe disposal of wastewater in Kenai.
    • Funding for the City of Kenai Wastewater Treatment Plant Digester Blower Replacements Project will replace 40+ year old highly inefficient and failing equipment with new.  This activated sludge plant, which discharges into Alaska’s Cook Inlet waters at the mouth of the Kenai River, was originally constructed in the early 1970s.  This project will modernize our operations while reducing utility and maintenance expenses.  “Thanks to Senator Murkowski, this Congressionally Designated Spending allocation will allow the City to complete this important project that will allow the City to continue to safely discharge water from our plant into the Cook Inlet at the mouth of the Kenai River.” – Kenai City Manager Paul Ostrander
  • Kenai: $1.5 million to implement the Kenai Peninsula Borough Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
  • Ketchikan: $1.7 million to the Ketchikan Gateway Borough for wastewater treatment plant upgrades.
    • “This funding for upgrades to the Mountain Point Wastewater Treatment Plant will ensure high quality treatment of wastewater which is an improvement for the environment, will minimize impacts to the rate payers, and will make a safer work environment. Plant improvements include upgrades to treatment basins, operational systems, and disinfection processes. We appreciate Senator Murkowski’s attention to this important project for our City of Saxman, Forest Park, and Mountain Point residents.” –  Ketchikan Gateway Borough Mayor Rodney Dial
  • Kivalina: $8 million to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium to construct a new Kivalina landfill that meets state regulatory standards.
    • “The current landfill is not only at capacity, it is also located next the airport runway, where ravens and seagulls congregate, creating safety hazards for airplanes.  A new landfill, away from the runway, will accommodate trash from the new school and existing community, and reduce airplane hazards.” – Leroy Adams, Vice Mayor of Kivalina
  • Kodiak: $1 million to the Island Trails Network for removal, recycling and recovery of debris from the Alaska marine environment.
    • “Marine debris is an eyesore, a hazard to navigation, a danger to wildlife and a looming threat to the nation’s seafood resources.  There is an urgent need to recover these materials before they break up and become more difficult and costly to remove. This Congressionally Directed Spending Request proposed by Sen. Murkowski will trigger Kodiak’s largest-ever cleanup and will have an immediate and dramatic impact on our coastline, including the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge and numerous Alaska state parks and public lands.” – Andy Schroeder, Executive Director, Island Trails Network
  • Kotzebue: $140,000 to build cyanotoxin analysis capacity at the Native Village of Kotzebue.
    • “The Native Village of Kotzebue appreciates Senator Murkowski assisting us in securing a Congressionally Directed Spending allocation to allow the Tribe to build local capacity to understand the changes occurring in the marine ecology of the Chukchi Sea and Kotzebue Sound.  In particular, to understand better how warming waters and decreasing ice cover is impacting the microbiology of the marine system and contributing to the emerging phenomenon of harmful algae blooms and the implications for Arctic marine food webs which are central to the food security for Arctic coastal communities.  Northwest Alaska and the community of Kotzebue will benefit for years to come by leveraging this assistance into additional research funding and programs to continue to improve the local capacity to understand these relationships.  We applaud Senator Murkowski’s long-term commitment to understanding and protecting the Ocean systems that Alaskans rely on for their cultural, nutritional, and economic way of life.” – Alex Whiting, Environmental Program Director, Native Village of Kotzebue
  • Nome: $1.6 million for safe drinking water distribution and wastewater collection.
    • “On behalf of the City and community of Nome, we are very grateful for Senator Murkowski’s efforts to secure much-needed federal funding for sewer and water projects in remote Alaska communities.  She really understands how much of a difference this will make in Nome, and it is yet another example of how hard she fights for Alaskans when she is stuck down there in DC.” – Mayor John Handeland, City of Nome
  • North Slope: $1.2 million for a wastewater replacement project.
    • “TNHA’s mission is to excel in the delivery of opportunities for affordable housing that empower, build and sustain vibrant self-determined communities on the Arctic Slope for generations to come. We are so excited to see our Wastewater Replacement Project included in the omnibus passed by Congress. Sanitation needs look a lot different in remote, rural Alaska than they do in urban centers, and we’d like to say thank you to Senator Lisa Murkowski and her staff for supporting this critical request, which will provide insulated wastewater tanks meeting Arctic design criteria for 30 TNHA homebuyer units in the villages of Anaktuvk Pass, Atqasuk, Kaktovik, Nuiqsut, Point Lay and Wainwright. Quyanaqpak, Senator Murkowski!” – Griffin Hagle-Forster, Chief Executive Officer, Ta?iu?miullu Nunamiullu Housing Authority
  • North Slope: $2.5 million for the Northern Route of the North Slope Borough Community Winter Access Trails pilot program, which provides for the creation of temporary winter trail access between communities where year-round connecting roads do not exist.
  • Palmer: $6.9 million for wastewater treatment system upgrades.
    • “The City of Palmer has been challenged over multiple years to meet the federal requirements of our Water Pollution Control operation.  Our citizens have willing stepped up in this effort.  The funding approved by Congress on the impetus of Senator Murkowski will financially and operationally permit us to complete this need.” – Palmer Mayor Steve Carrington
    • “We have been in discussions with Senator Murkowski on our local challenges.  She and her team listened, assisted and put fulfilling this need in motion.  This award will directly benefit the citizens of Palmer and our utility user group.” – John Moosey, Palmer City Manager
  • Petersburg: $1.6 million for water treatment plant upgrades. 
    • “The Petersburg Borough is very grateful to receive $1.6 million due to the support of Senator Murkowski so that we may improve the safety and security of our water treatment system. The money provided through the omnibus appropriations bill will serve to replace a vital portion of Petersburg’s water treatment system and will ensure that the potable water produced by the treatment plant is safe for all residents, businesses and visitors. We truly appreciate her hard work on behalf of Alaska.” – Mark Jensen, Mayor of Petersburg
  • St. Paul: $3 million to improve solid waste disposal facilities.
  • Seldovia: $746,000 for a sewer line replacement.
  • Seldovia: $414,000 for safe drinking water.
    • “Communities like Seldovia require and deserve infrastructure that protects public health and is well maintained. But that comes at a high expense, especially since we are small, rural and located off the road system. With less than 250 residents in the city, we rely on partnerships at the tribal, state, and federal level to help us provide services including clean drinking water, safely collected wastewater, and material to help us resurface our roads. The CDS funding Senator Murkowski secured for Seldovia means we are taking care of our community now and into the future. In short, we aren’t just remaining here – we can, and will, grow.” – Seldovia Mayor Jeremiah Campbell
  • Seward: $2 million for the safe disposal of wastewater.
  • Soldotna: $680,000 for a wastewater treatment plant.
  • Soldotna: $320,000 to improve wastewater effluent before discharge to the Kenai River.
  • Soldotna: $960,000 for upgrades to upgrade equipment used to dewater treated solids at the Soldotna Wastewater Treatment Plant.
  • St. George: $3 million to replace the 50-year-old water distribution and wastewater collection infrastructure.
    • “On behalf of the City of Saint George, we are beyond thankful for your support and advocation for our Congressionally Directed Spending allocation request. The need for a new potable water and wastewater system is at its most critical point. After nearly 40 years of use, the potable water distribution lines are ready for replacement. We have had instances in the past where our storage tank froze, along with the distribution lines. These scenarios have led to many repairs in the water lines. We are currently repairing the old repairs that have been made. The wastewater system was constructed during the same time and needs replacement as well. The community has faced many hardships regarding the water distribution system over the years. These repairs will ensure safe drinking water for community members and anyone working on and traveling through Saint George. Thankfully, we are a resilient community and have overcome associated issues. We are also thankful for the support from our regional entities and state authorities, in response to these difficulties. The inclusion of our CDS request in the upcoming omnibus is a great victory for us in our small community. This announcement will make for a great holiday season. Thank you!” – Mark Merculief Jr., Mayor, City of St. George
  • Statewide: $2 million for salmon monitoring in the Yukon and Kuskokwim River watersheds.
  • Statewide: $500,000 to the Tanana Chiefs Conference to address the large data gap regarding salmon populations on the Yukon River.
    • “Tanana Chiefs Conference applauds Senator Murkowski’s advocacy to secure funding for a Middle Yukon River Sonar. For the past three years, the Yukon River salmon populations have suffered catastrophic declines, preventing our tribal communities from subsistence fishing which is essential to the overall health and wellbeing of our people. A Middle Yukon River Sonar supports building tribal data, and develops a pathway for co-stewardship to ensure balanced management and harvest decisions for all Tribes and people that rely on the Yukon River to meet subsistence needs.” – TCC Chief/Chairman Brian Ridley
  • Statewide: $880,000 for implementation of the Intertribal Federal Subsistence Cooperative Management Program at the Kuskokwim River Watershed.
    • “This is great news for the communities of the Kuskokwim river as we continue to research and respond to this unprecedented salmon crisis and the food security issues caused by our declined chinook, chum, and coho salmon.” – Kevin Whitworth, Executive Director, Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (KRITFC)
  • Statewide: $1.2 million for ecological monitoring in the Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers.
    • “There lies a growing need to support and encourage residents of rural communities to engage and participate in the collection of environmental data which lends itself to better management of salmon populations in the Arctic, Yukon and Kuskokwim regions of Alaska. These data help to tell the story of changing environmental patterns and conditions and systematically informs a clearer picture of the health and abundance of salmon populations in these regions. Jobs provided by these funds are essential for rural communities and encourage youth to participate in the health and wellbeing of their area.” – Karen Gillis, Executive Director, Bering Sea Fishermen’s Association
  • Statewide: $1.5 million for the Denali Commission to develop regional solid waste management plans.
  • “The Denali Commission is very pleased to have the opportunity to support comprehensive regional strategies for waste management that are otherwise lacking in many parts of Alaska. This funding will allow communities to address the risk posed by waste to the environment and human health and promote community aesthetics. We thank Senator Murkowski for her commitment to funding waste management.” – Garrett Boyle, Federal Cochair of the Commission
  • Statewide: $1 million for to complete a National Scenic Trail feasibility study to connect Seward and Fairbanks.
  • Statewide: $3 million for the Alaska Native Justice Center for Alaska tribal public safety empowerment activities.
  • Statewide: $7 million to support the State of Alaska in conducting an inventory and verification of contaminated sites conveyed to Alaska Natives under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.
  • Statewide: $300,000 for the University of Alaska Anchorage to study the need and economic feasibility of constructing and operating a hazardous waste processing facility and landfill in the State of Alaska.
  • Statewide: $250,000 to the Alaska Native Village Corporation Association to build further tribal capacity for the inventory and verification of ANCSA contaminated lands.
  • Statewide: $250,000 to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium to build further tribal capacity for the inventory and verification of ANCSA contaminated lands.
  • Statewide: $33.9 million for abandoned well remediation in the NPR-A.
  • Valdez: $5 million for the safe disposal of wastewater in Valdez.
    • “The Community of Valdez is extremely grateful to Senator Murkowski for acquiring this funding to assist in the replacement of our sewer force main. This infrastructure is critical to our core of town and we are in desperate need for replacement as our current system is well past its useful life. We hope this money will help us overcome rising construction costs and inflation so that we can replace this critically important piece of our waste water system. We are all tax payers and it is great to see some of the Federal support coming back to small towns like ours in Alaska.” – Mark Detter, Valdez City Manager
  • Wasilla: $5.7 million for improvements to wastewater treatment facilities. 
    • “The City of Wasilla provides sanitary sewer collections and treatment to more than 700 businesses and residents within the city. The City’s request for support with three sewer sludge projects reflects the need for assistance in meeting the growing population with additional customers and new stipulations by regulators. The three projects include a much needed second sludge digester to increase daily capacity to meet current and future wastewater demands, a lagoon sludge dredge to safely remove the collected sludge at the end of the treatment process, and sludge drying beds to meet new sludge management regulations. Being the fastest growing city in the State of Alaska, support for our critical infrastructure like this project is the first step to building redundancy and resiliency in our community.  Our priority is to deliver innovative and more environmentally responsible ways to deliver quality WWT services.” – Erich Schaal P.E., Director of Public Works, City of Wasilla  
  • Whittier: $1.2 million for well field upgrades.
    • “Thanks to Senator Murkowski for her dedication and attention to Alaska’s, and Whittier’s needs, we will have new critical water well infrastructure installed. This opportunity will replace post WWII systems and provide us a fire safety margin in summer when cruise ships are filling up with our untreated water and fish processing is operating at a high level. This threat has been a burden on our 272 People residents. Many thanks from all of us and our annual visitors numbering in the hundreds of thousands!” – Jim Hunt, Whittier City Manager
  • Yakutat: $5.1 million for a water line extension project.
    • “The 5.1 million for a water line extension project will provide clean drinking water In Yakutat. We have struggled for the last 5 years addressing water pollution and Senator Murkowski congressional allocation is heaven sent!” – Jon Erickson Manager Yakutat

Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies 

  • “Alaska Community Health Centers form the backbone of our primary care system in Alaska.  These capital improvements secured by Senator Murkowski will improve health clinic spaces that make comprehensive, coordinated care more easily accessible for more than 120,000 Alaskans.”  – Nancy Merriman, CEO, Alaska Primary Care Association
  • Anchorage: $2.25 million to the University of Alaska to renovate UA’s facilities for nursing education, telehealth training, and inter-professional education programs.
    • “We are so thankful to have this funding to increase simulation capacity at UAA.  This will increase our ability to teach students the clinical knowledge and competencies needed to be work-ready graduates. It will help us address the high demand workforce needs in Alaska’s health care industry.” –  Debbie Craig, Dean of the College of Health, University of Alaska Anchorage
  • Anchorage: $290,000 for Providence Alaska to establish and launch the Alaska Psychiatry Residency Program.
  • Anchorage: $1.2 million to update and improve the Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center.
  • Anchorage: $500,000 to the Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center to establish a new Dental Assistant Training Apprenticeship.
    • “This incredible support for Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center will create a safer and more energy efficient space for patients and a pathway to train more dental assistants and professionals to provide critical dental care for people in Anchorage and Alaska. Thank you to our federal government and Senator Murkowski and her office for working to prioritize high quality, accessible, safe and effective healthcare for Alaskans. We are so grateful!” – Lisa Aquino CEO, Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center
  • Anchorage: $5 million to Southcentral Foundation to construct the Fireweed Specialty Dental Clinic.
  • Anchorage: $2 million for a Southcentral Foundation Workforce Development Program, to provide resources and support to students training as nurses, certified medical assistants, dental health aid therapists, and as behavioral health providers.
    • “The last few years have been extremely challenging for health care systems in Alaska. This critical funding will allow Southcentral Foundation to expand and enhance our workforce through recruiting, training, and mentoring Alaska Native and American Indian people in clinical careers that are often hard to fill or have high turnover rates. The funding will also consolidate SCF’s Specialty Dental Clinic allowing better access to care which will directly benefit those with complex dental needs. These improvement projects, made possible through the efforts of Senator Murkowski, will have a direct impact on the health and well-being of our community.” April Kyle, MBA, Southcentral Foundation President and CEO
  • Anchorage: $400,000 to the Alaska Center for FASD to connect individuals with FASD to services.
    • “According to a recent report, an estimated 47,860 Alaskans have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and costs the State of Alaska millions of dollars each year in direct health and other services. Monies from the omnibus legislation will increase the capacity of the Alaska Center for FASD to not only mitigate these economic costs but more importantly, continue to work with the State of Alaska to support individuals impacted by this life-long disability and increase the awareness of the effects of alcohol on our families and communities throughout Alaska and the nation.  Senator Murkowski understands this need for focused attention on FASD and her commitment to improving systems of care for all Alaskans is evident by her concrete actions. On behalf of the Alaska Center for FASD we deeply appreciate Senator Murkowski’s efforts to elevate these complex issues to refuel and stimulate momentum for system advancement and growth.” – Alaska Center for FASD, Board of Directors
  • Anchorage: $750,000 for construction of a Crisis Stabilization Center at Providence Alaska Medical Center.
    • “Providence is grateful for Senator Murkowski’s ongoing support to secure funding to address Alaska’s behavioral health needs and bolster our mental health workforce as well as provide supportive housing to seniors with significant health conditions experiencing homelessness.” – Ella Goss, RN, Chief Executive, Alaska Region
  • Akiak: $500,000 to the Rural Alaska Community Action Program to recruit and train local community members to become early educators and certified teachers.
    • The Omnibus Appropriations Bill will benefit communities and initiatives statewide by increasing rural communities’ capacity to provide quality, local education. Thanks to Senator Murkowski, RurAL CAP’s pilot Teacher Apprenticeship Program will address the high turnover rates of educators and ongoing shortages of certified, local teachers that rural communities face. Aimed at improving rural Alaskans’ ability to obtain early education teaching credentials locally, the project ultimately works to increase our state’s rural workforce, increase protective factors against adverse childhood experiences, and bolster the early education of our state’s future leaders.”  – Tiel Smith, Chief Executive Officer of Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc., (RurAL CAP)
  • Bethel: $100,000 to purchase a portable X-Ray and other medical equipment for the Bethel Family Clinic in Bethel.
  • Bethel: $600,000 to the Bethel Family Services Community Health Center to provide well child exams to children in 55 locations throughout YK Delta.
    • “Bethel Family Clinic’s board of directors and all staff are excited and grateful for Senator Murkowski’s dedicated work on securing $700,000 appropriation grant. $600,000 for well child examination/village travel program which will assist Bethel Family Clinic to send providers to the school districts villages to provide medical exams to their staffs, and students. Bethel Family Clinic service area is large and most communities don’t have a medical clinic or local health aide to meet the needs of the community. Through our child examination / village travel program our medical providers will be able to provide much need referral for addition services such as; dental, behavioral health, which that would not have access to previously due to limited funding’s.  $100,000 for medical equipment purchase. Bethel Family Clinic will spend the funds on blood hematology analyzer, portable x-ray machine, computer, laptop, fire proof safe and fire proof cabinet.  Our sincere thanks and appreciation to Senator Murkowski and her team to support Bethel Family Clinic on this funding.” – M. Enayet U. Chowdhury, Chief Executive Officer Bethel Family Clinic
  • Healy: $2.5 million to construct a health center in Healy.
    • “The funds enable the Interior Community Health Center to construct a health facility on its lot on the Parks Highway in Healy, Alaska to best serve the year round primary care needs of the Denali Borough – a population of just over 1,600 –  scattered 79 miles between the towns of Cantwell to the Anderson, Alaska. The impact of this congressionally directed spending will be to improve access to primary care services, including preventive health and oral health screenings, manage chronic disease and overall health.” Cheryl Kilgore, Chief Executive Officer Interior Community Health Center
  • Homer: $633,000 to the Seldovia Village Tribe to expand the Homer Health Center.
    • “We would like to remind you of the primary benefits that our Tribe, patients and staff, as well as the community, will be able to enjoy upon project completion, thanks to you. Those include: Expanded services to support Healthy Alaskans 2030 health priorities; Reduce health disparities to low-income, underinsured and uninsured Alaskans; Provide community education sessions to improve the health and well-being of Alaskans.” Crystal Collier, President Seldovia Village Tribe
  • Juneau: $870,000 to renovate and expand the JAHMI Health & Wellness specialty behavioral health facility.
    • “This congressionally directed allocation will relocate, expand and improve JAMHI Family services in Juneau at a larger facility at 2075 Jordan Avenue and through technology, for youth and families throughout Alaska, as well as increase overall capacity to meet service needs across the lifespan.  Improved access, increased space for more staff with specific specialization in evidence-based therapies, integrated on-site pediatric care and physical and mental wellness services will be provided and the additional capacity will also be used to support other groups and entities throughout Juneau to better meet the behavioral health needs of youth and families in our community as well.” Dave Branding Chief Executive Officer
  • Juneau: $750,000 to establish and operate a commercial driver’s license education training program at the University of Alaska Southeast.
    • “We can’t thank Senator Murkowski enough for the $750,000 to develop a CDL program in Southeast Alaska.  This program has been greatly needed in Southeast Alaska and we look forward to being able to report on the progress we make.” – Dr. Karen Carey, Chancellor of the University of Alaska Southeast
  • Ketchikan: $600,000 for facilities and equipment at the Peacehealth Ketchikan Medical Center.
    • “We are deeply grateful to Senator Lisa Murkowski for championing this allocation of federal funds for a new CT scanner for PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center. Along with PeaceHealth’s financial commitment to the project, Senator Murkowski’s successful advocacy for this funding will help ensure local patients can continue to access the very latest diagnostic imaging services right here in our community.” – Dori Stevens, Chief Administrative Officer, PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center
  • Kodiak: $7.9 million to expand the Kodiak Community Health Center.
    • “Kodiak Community Health Center is ecstatic to be included in the Congressionally Directed Spending Omnibus bill for $7.9M toward a capital expansion of our clinic. This funding will allow us to meet the growing healthcare needs of our community including behavioral health, substance abuse and primary care. In remote Alaska, healthcare takes a high level of skill and creativity to be successful. Expanding our facility and equipment will allow our team to provide next level care for our patients. Thank you Senator Murkowski for your diligence and hard work for Alaska!” Carol Austerman, Executive Director, Kodiak Community Health Center
  • Naknek: $3 million to renovate and expand the Camai Community Health Center.
  • Seward: $5 million to expand the Seward Community Health Center.
    • “This Congressionally Directed Spending Allocation via Lisa Murkowski’s office represents a giant step toward transforming the face of healthcare in Seward. This is the first stepping-stone to building a new clinic that will help improve the health and quality of life for Alaskans on the Eastern Kenai Peninsula. A new clinic will allow us to provide expanded primary care services to our community, including preventive/wellness educational programs, access to specialists, and greater telehealth connectivity. Along the way, a new facility is expected to increase staff satisfaction and retention, which will result in a higher quality of care for our community. We are excited about the possibilities that lie before us through this funding and are grateful for the opportunity to elevate the level of care we can provide.” – Craig Ambrosiani, Seward Community Health Center Executive Director
  • Seward: $2.5 million to expand the Chugachmiut Health Clinic.
    • “I want to thank Senator Murkowski for securing these funds!  This one-time allocation will have a huge impact far into the future.  Chugachmiut will now be able to improve and expand health services to the underserved and remote communities it serves.  Adding services that are desperately needed but that were inaccessible before this generous gift by Congress will generate improved health outcomes for, at minimum, the next 30 years. “ – Jan Vanderpool, Executive Director
  • Statewide: $2.5 million to expand the Alaska Primary Care Association’s community health worker program into rural areas.
  • Statewide: $350,000 to expand the University of Washington’s Alaska Pediatric Residency Track, to increase opportunities for pediatric residents to train in Alaska.
    • “We thank Sen. Murkowski for her longstanding support in securing funds to strengthen access to pediatric health care for children living in rural Alaska Native communities. This appropriation will enable the University of Washington/Seattle Children’s Alaska Track pediatric residency program to send pediatricians to more Alaska Native villages where they can provide direct care to children and provide pediatric specific education for our community health aides. The funding will also help to expand programs for adolescent well-being, including mental health, sports medicine and infectious disease prevention, through school-based health clinics located at high school campuses in Bethel and Anchorage.” – Richard Shugerman, MD Director, Pediatric WWAMI, Seattle Children’s Hospital/University of Washington
  • Statewide: $350,000 to the Boys & Girls Club of Southcentral Alaska to provide behavioral health support to children and youth.
    • “The lasting effects of childhood trauma and adverse childhood experiences not only impact mental and physical health, but also educational outcomes, economic stability, and generational health and welfare. Our youth are facing civil unrest, racial inequality, online social pressure, and systemic inequalities that create barriers to success. According to the National Alliance for Mental Illness, 62.9% of Alaskan youth ages 12-17 who have depression did not receive care last year. Youth face many barriers to accessing behavioral health services including transportation, financial, and cultural stigma. They need hope and an easier way to access help. That is why our program will bring care directly to kids through Boys & Girls Clubs throughout the state. We will use prevention and intervention services to help the youth who need it most. To do this we will employ mental health professionals to support our youth and to empower our staff to understand, identify, and respond to youth who may be facing challenges and to connect them with proper care, if necessary.” – Jen Patronas, Chief Executive Officer, Boys & Girls Clubs-Alaska
  • Statewide: $2 million to Covenant House Alaska to strengthen Alaska’s workforce and provide pathways to permanent housing.
  • Statewide: $230,000 to the Rural Alaska Community Action Program to identify, train, and support a cohort of interested youth peer mentors.
    • “The passing of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill is a great success for all Alaskans as we face the mental health crisis, especially with youth in rural communities. This bill supports RurAL CAP’s Peer Mentor and Mental Health First Aide in Rural Alaska project. This pilot project will pair a cohort of youth peer mentors with local professionals to provide suicide prevention and mental health first aid to youth in rural communities. With these efforts, we strive to empower rural youth to increase mental health awareness and resources, and strengthen the future for all Alaskans.” – Tiel Smith, Chief Executive Officer of Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc., (RurAL CAP)
  • Statewide: $950,000 for Bree’s Law Inc. to address and prevent teen dating violence.
    • “We are overjoyed that Senator Murkowski was successful in securing funding for the Bree’s Law Curriculum Development project, included in the FY23 omnibus released yesterday.  As parents who have experienced the devastation of losing our daughter, Bree Moore, to dating violence, we know prevention is the key to keeping future generations safe from interpersonal violence. This Bree’s Law funding will expand teen dating violence awareness and prevention education, first developed and implemented in Alaska, and make it available to all teens throughout the United States. We are incredibly thankful to Senator Lisa Murkowski and her staff for their tenacity, passion, and commitment to the passage and funding of Bree’s Law. We are truly indebted to everyone who has helped make this law possible.”  Butch and Cindy Moore, Parents of Bree Moore
  • Unalaska: $500,000 to Iliuliuk Family & Health Services to purchase a CT scanner and fund associated facility and site work to provide expanded health services at the clinic in Unalaska.
    • “Through this congressional directed spending award Iliuliuk Family and Health Services can now offer CT services to our community for the first time in our 50 years.  This will bring better care to our friends, families and neighbors by reducing the need to travel to Anchorage some 800 miles away.  This will also reduce the need for unnecessary medevacs for the region having the ability to better diagnose and treat patients at home.  Unalaska and neighboring communities all benefit from this improvement in imaging services – Thank You Senator Murkowski!” – Noel Reo, CEO of Iliuliuk Family & Health Services
  • Upper Susitna River Valley (Talkeetna): $2 million to purchase a complete mobile medical unit to provide medical treatment across the Upper Susitna River Valley.
  • Willow: $1 million to expand the Sunshine Clinic in Willow.

Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies

  • Anchorage: $63 million to build an aircraft maintenance hangar at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.
  • Anchorage: $5.2 million to remove PFAS contaminated soil on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.
  • Fairbanks: $99 million to build a physical fitness center annex at Fort Wainwright.

Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development, and Related Agencies

  • Ambler: $1.5 million to construct a new firehall and search and rescue facility.
  • Anchorage: $5 million to the Port of Alaska to make site improvements.
    • “We’d like to thank Sen. Murkowski for her continued advocacy and support of the Port of Alaska’s infrastructure modernization efforts.  This contribution helps us to continue to move forward while reducing the financial burden that could be placed on port users and Alaskans.”  – Steve Ribuffo, Port of Alaska Director
  • Anchorage: $7.5 million to Providence Community Foundation to provide permanent supportive housing for those experiencing homelessness in Anchorage.
  • Anchorage: $1.6 million to the Rural Alaska Community Action Program to address homelessness in Anchorage by improving and expanding permanent supportive housing facilities.
    • “The Omnibus Appropriations Bill will benefit the health, safety, and well-being of all Alaskans, with particular support to those experiencing homelessness. Among many other great successes, Senator Murkowski’s efforts with this bill have ensured that 126 vital units of new and existing permanent supportive housing are available to individuals in Anchorage as they navigate out of homelessness. These housing services ultimately increase the clients’ self-sufficiency and reduce the strain on expensive local and statewide emergency response systems.” – Tiel Smith, Chief Executive Officer of Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc., (RurAL CAP).
  • Juneau: $7 million to build a bridge over the Gastineau Channel between Douglas and Juneau.
  • Fairbanks: $2.5 million to the North Star Council on Aging to expand the Fairbanks Senior Center.
    • “This wildly generous gift provided by the passage of the omnibus bill, and spearheaded by Senator Murkowski, comes at a time of great need as the Fairbanks Senior Center works hard to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the 18,000 pioneers who built the amazing community of Fairbanks.  Please allow North Star Council on Aging to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every member of congress who voted to support the passage of the omnibus bill, with a special thanks to the tirelessly supportive Senator Lisa Murkowski and her dedicated staff.  This appropriation will touch every Interior senior house hold in a profound and caring way for years to come.” – Darlene Supplee, Executive Director of the Fairbanks Senior Center, North Star Council on Aging
  • Fairbanks: $6.9 million to acquire and expand a facility to provide a permanent location for Presbyterian Hospitality House.
    • “Today, we got word from Senator Murkowski’s team that Presbyterian Hospitality House will be awarded funding for our new building in Fairbanks.  The Senators strong commitment to Children’s mental health issues and youth who are homeless has long been established. The new building will help bring Alaskan youth and families together.  It will be a place that allows for healing and growth. PHH serves youth in several ways. We provide residential treatment, mental health counseling, Therapeutic Treatment homes. PHH serves youth from all over the State of Alaska.  Working to stabilize and keep our youth safe is the most important.” – Ty Tigner, Executive Director, Presbyterian Hospitality House (PHH)
  • Homer: $750,000 to acquire and construct a facility to support South Peninsula Haven House in building a new financial empowerment facility.
  • Juneau: $5 million to provide a building to house multiple nonprofits which serve children and families.
    • “The creation of a family services center in Juneau has been a long-held dream for AEYC-SEA, and we are so excited that Senator Murkowski was able to secure funding to get it started. Social service supports for children and families are currently spread out all over the Juneau community, making access a challenge for many families. This new facility will bring together multiple partner nonprofits to provide a seamless resource opportunity for families, including an on-site childcare center. I think the true impact of this project won’t be realized until the building/dream has been built, but for now this funding is a strong message of support to families with young children in SE Alaska from Senator Murkowski and we could not be more grateful.” –  Blue Shibler, Executive Director, Association for Education of Young Children Southeast
  • Klawock: $500,000 to build a RISE Campus which will include domestic shelter units and outbuildings to support cultural activities.
    • “We are so incredibly grateful for the funding Senator Murkowski was able to secure for help in the construction of the RISE Tribal DV Shelter on Prince of Wales! Having a local shelter on the Island allows domestic violence survivors to receive assistance and safety in their own community instead of having to leave their support systems behind- not to mention schools and jobs- and go to a different Island to be safe. This additional funding is crucial for completion of the shelter. Thank you to Senator Murkowski and her team for helping us make this dream a reality for Prince of Wales!” – Tiffany Mills, Executive Director, HOPE Prevention
  • McCarthy: $200,000 to build a fire hall for the Kennicott-McCarthy Volunteer Fire Department.
  • Nome: $2 million to rehabilitate the Bering Sea Women’s shelter.
  • Nome: $5 million to the Norton Sound Health Corporation to construct patient housing and affordable housing for low-income employees.
    • “On behalf of NSHC, thank you for dedicating funds to our region. NSHC has been expanding health care services over the past decade. While the workforce has grown and higher -level care is being delivered in-region, [neither] NSHC, nor the community, has adequate capital infrastructure to meet these growing patient lodging and employee housing needs.  Additionally, a new wellness center was opened in summer 2021, which will offer in-region long-term substance abuse treatment, which requires additional housing. This funding award will contribute to both of these critical needs to allow NSHC to continue to provide the highest level of care to the region.” – Angie Gorn, President & CEO, Norton Sound Health Corporation
  • Rural Alaska: $3 million for the acquisition of facilities, including housing, necessary to establish Alaska State Trooper posts in rural locations.
  • Seldovia: $22,000 for a road resurfacing project.
  • Sitka: $1 million to provide basic housing for chronically homeless Sitka residents.
  • Teller: $5.1 million to the Bering Straits Regional Housing Authority to move homes out of the flood zone and construct affordable housing at safe locations.
  • Wainwright: $1.2 million to Tagiugmiullu Nunamiullu Housing Authority to remodel and convert former National Guard Armory buildings into a modern, energy efficient, tribal childcare facility and multi-use community building.
    • “Good afternoon from the village of Wainwright, I’m Muriel Panik, Tribal Council Member and Commissioner for the Ta?iu?miullu Nunamiullu Housing Authority. As our local Community-Based Development Organization, TNHA provides services that empower, build and sustain vibrant self-determined communities on the Arctic Slope for generations to come. I want to share Wainwright’s gratitude for Senator Lisa Murkowski and her staff for recommending the Wainwright Childcare Center project for funding consideration by the U.S. Senate. If funded, we will be able to convert a former National Guard armory into a much-needed community facility that will support working parents of young children and help grow the village economy. The facility will be resilient and comfortable with healthy indoor air, using energy-efficient renovation practices and on-site production of renewable energy from to reduce its reliance on costly imported diesel. Again, we want to say quyanaqpak, Senator Murkowski, for supporting our village and regional housing authority in this request.” – Muriel Panik, Tribal Council Member and Commissioner for the Ta?iu?miullu Nunamiullu Housing Authority
  • Wasilla: $5 million to Set Free Alaska to build a therapeutic campus consisting of recovery residence facilities.
    • “Set Free Alaska would like to thank Senator Murkowski for securing funding for our recidivism reduction and recovery program!  Individuals struggling with substance misuse and mental health problems often experience increased incarceration.  Services and infrastructure are lacking in our communities to address this problem.  This money will be used to build facilities that will provide counseling support services for individuals and families in Mat-Su.  These programs will support the agencies vision of all Alaskans experiencing God’s love, lasting freedom, and abundant life!” – Philip Licht, President & CEO, Set Free Alaska, Inc.