Statement On Rana Ayyub

Source: United States Senator for Vermont Patrick Leahy


Mr. LEAHY.  Mr. President, we should all be alarmed by the increasing attacks against freedom of the press by governments around the world.  According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, in this year alone at least 38 journalists have been killed, 294 have been imprisoned, and 64 are missing for simply doing their job, not to mention the countless others who faced intimidation, harassment, legal persecution, and threats. Today I want to mention one.

Rana Ayyub is an award-winning Indian journalist who has courageously reported on religious violence, extrajudicial killings, and other matters of public interest in India.  Her important work is driven by a sense of purpose and a love for her country and the ideals for which it stands. Yet she faces online harassment and trolling, death threats, and baseless government retaliation for her reporting.  Despite the immense pressure to silence her by government officials who should be protecting her, she continues to expose the abuses of those in power.

Freedom of expression is the cornerstone of democracy.  Without it, the fundamental differences between a democratic state and an authoritarian regime disappear.  Throughout my 48 years in the Senate, I have often been reminded that we each have a responsibility to defend press freedom and amplify the work of journalists who shine a light on corruption, injustice, discrimination, and impunity.  We must stand up for freedom of expression and the rights of journalists, so Rana Ayyub and her brave colleagues around the world can do their essential work without fear of retribution.

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