Graham: Where is the Commander in Chief When it Comes to the Border Crisis?

Source: United States Senator for South Carolina Lindsey Graham

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) joined Jesse Watters on Fox News Channel to discuss the crisis on the southern border, including the expiration of a Biden Administration policy, known as Title 42, to prevent illegal immigrants from being deported due to public health concerns from the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • GRAHAM: “I am calling on President Biden tonight to reinstate Title 42 by executive action. That’s one thing to do. Number two, I’ll introduce a bill. You get behind it President Biden and we’ll get 80 votes in the Senate to make it a statute.”
  • GRAHAM: [Biden] is choosing to allow Title 42 authority to go away. He is choosing to allow the number of illegal immigrants to come into our country to double. He is choosing that.”
  • GRAHAM: “If you want to look at a humanitarian nightmare, go to our border. I can’t believe the President of the United States has not visited the border. He is the Commander in Chief. You’ve got the Governor of California, a Democrat, who went to the border and said if we repeal Title 42, you’ll destroy California. You have the mayor of New York City, a Democrat, suggesting that if Title 42 is changed, it will overwhelm New York City.”
  • GRAHAM: “El Paso has declared a state of emergency. Fourteen thousand pounds of fentanyl have come across this broken border. The border is not open, it’s been obliterated by the policies of Biden. He has surrendered the border. Where is the Commander in Chief when it comes to this crisis?”
  • GRAHAM: “Title 42 authority allows the United States to deport people [in the country illegally] based on a COVID problem without a whole lot of delay. It is a tool that actually works. There are thousands of people waiting for it to expire. We are going to double the number of illegal immigrants literally in about 48 hours because people are waiting for Title 42 to go away. The President of the United States could by the stroke of a pen keep the policy in place or he could ask Congress to pass a law to reinstate Title 42. He is choosing not to do this. He is choosing to allow illegal immigration to double in 48 hours.”

Watch Full Interview Here
