Leahy REAX to Dept. of Energy decision, ann’d Friday, to vacate the Atomic Energy Commission’s flawed 1954 decision revoking J. Robert Oppenheimer’s security clearance

Source: United States Senator for Vermont Patrick Leahy


(FRIDAY, Dec. 16, 2022) — “The Atomic Energy Commission’s decision in 1954 to revoke J. Robert Oppenheimer’s security clearance was based on a manifestly unjust and unethical hearing that would be resoundingly condemned today.  Robert Oppenheimer was a brilliant scientist whose indispensable role in leading the Manhattan Project is beyond dispute.  He served this country in a time of great peril as no other person could have, and he remained steadfastly loyal to this country until his death.  I commend Secretary Granholm for taking this important step in the interest of justice and fairness.”

“This decision reaffirms that government scientists, whether renowned like Oppenheimer or a technician doing his or her daily job — including those willing to raise safety concerns or to express unpopular opinions on matters of national security — can do so freely and that their cases will be fairly reviewed based on facts, not personal animus or politics.

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