A Boldface Lie

Source: United States Senator for Wisconsin Ron Johnson

False Testimony to Congress

This week, I sent a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, demanding that he produce and preserve all records related to his correspondence with Hunter Biden. This request follows revelations that Blinken lied to Congress when he participated in a December 22, 2020 voluntary transcribed interview with Senate investigators. As you can see from the email below, we have proof that Blinken lied.

Biden family co-conspirators inside intelligence agencies, Department of Justice, FBI, and the legacy media need to be exposed. They represent the greatest threat to our democracy.

There is so much more to uncover. More whistleblowers need to come forward. We need to get to the bottom of this and show how corrupt these individuals are.

  • Letter from Sens. Johnson and Grassley to Secretary Blinken
  • The Federalist: GOPers Order Blinken To Turn Over All Communications With Hunter Biden After Emails Show He Lied To Congress
  • Daily Mail: GOP senators accuse Secretary of State Antony Blinken of LYING to Congress about Hunter Biden’s Burisma business dealings
  • Just the NewsGOP senators tell Blinken hand over Hunter Biden records, amid questions about role in laptop story

Debt Ceiling Fight

House Republicans have passed a more than reasonable package of fiscal controls in exchange for increasing the debt ceiling. This is the bare minimum I think the American people expect. It’s time for the Senate to pass the House bill and send to it to POTUS for him to sign.


Clip from news conference

Entire news confernce

Climate Change Alarmism

We’ve had multiple hearings in the Senate Budget Committee on climate change and fossil fuels.

Climate alarmists complain about $12 billion in fossil fuel subsidies but support $1,200 billion in green energy subsidies that will have little impact on climate. That is a self-inflicted wound we cannot afford when we’re already $32 trillion in debt.

I’m also concerned that climate change alarmists are scaring our children by telling them the world is about to end. It’s not. Let’s give our kids a break and stop pushing radical left ideas on them.

Milwaukee Press Club

Thank you to the Milwaukee Press Club for inviting me to speak at their Newsmaker Luncheon. I always appreciate the lively exchange of ideas and the chance to answer questions in a long-form format. Topics ranged from my work uncovering the truth about Covid to abortion to our escalating debt and deficit.

WATCH: Milwaukee Press Club Newsmaker Luncheon

ICYMI Tweets

Wisconsin School Visits

Big shout out to the Trinity Lutheran School of Freistadt, where I spent time getting to know students and educators. They are a fantastic school based in the oldest Lutheran church in Wisconsin!

Inspiring visit to Kingdom Prep Lutheran High School in Wauwatosa. The all boys school focuses on the pillars of faith, service, experience and excellence. Students participate in all aspects of the school from designing uniforms to making the welcome sign. Subjects range from Latin to camping to creating their own businesses.

It was an honor to be invited to St. Thomas More High School in Milwaukee. The AP history and government students asked fantastic questions!