Alaska Congressional Delegation Welcomes Ruling to Deny Injunction Against Willow Project

Source: United States Senator for Alaska Dan Sullivan


WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan (both R-Alaska), and U.S. Representative Mary Sattler Peltola (D-Alaska), today welcomed a U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit decision to deny an injunction requested by environmental groups against Alaska’s Willow Project in the National Petroleum Reserve of Alaska (NPR-A).

“Alaska is unique when it comes to most things, including the construction and development of a project like Willow. We aren’t only up against Lower 48 environmental groups in this effort – we’re also fighting the clock. With each obstacle, construction schedules are at risk of being set back, which can cause the project to miss an entire season. This announcement allows Conoco to continue to work toward development without further unnecessary delays, bringing us one step closer to responsible resource development, creating new jobs and providing a much-needed boost to our economy,” said Senator Murkowski. “None of this would have been possible without the determination of Alaskans, the diligence of ConocoPhillips, and the advocacy of Alaska’s congressional delegation – including many conversations I had directly with the White House. This ruling is welcomed news and only reaffirms what Alaskans have known all along: the Willow Project is good for Alaska, and our nation’s energy security.”

“The Willow Project passed another important legal test last night as the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the Lower 48 radical environmentalists’ request to immediately stop construction of the project,” said Senator Sullivan. “This is great news for Alaska and America, but the fight to unleash Alaskan energy is not over. We will fight for Willow and our right to responsibly develop our resources every step of the way. I want to again commend members of the Legislature who joined us in an amicus brief to the Ninth Circuit, and the thousands of Alaskans who’ve spoken out in support of Willow, especially the Alaskans of the North Slope whose ancestors have inhabited the lands closest to this project for thousands of years. When Alaskans come together and speak with one voice, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish.”

“After years of thorough study, diligent permitting, and litigation, construction on Willow can finally begin. This is another step forward for Alaskans and a victory in our ongoing effort to stem outmigration, improve our state’s public services, and secure an Alaskan source of gap oil for the ongoing clean energy transition. It’s time for Alaska to lead on energy again, and I look forward to seeing this project get underway,” said Representative Peltola.

On March 13, the Willow Project was reapproved by the Biden administration. This decision follows significant advocacy from the Alaska Congressional Delegation, years of litigation and environmental review, and years of advocacy from Alaskans across the state, including on the North Slope. On March 24, the Alaska congressional delegation submitted an amicus brief in the case that was joined by both bodies of the Alaska Legislature.
