Murkowski Supports Restoring Constitutional Power to Congress, Repealing Iraq War AUMFs

Source: United States Senator for Alaska Lisa Murkowski


Effort comes 20 years after the U.S. Invasion of Iraq

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) issued the following statement after voting in favor today of S. 316 to repeal the 2002/1991 Authorizations for Use of Military Force (AUMFs), which passed the Senate in a bipartisan vote of 66-30.

“When our Founding Fathers drafted the U.S. Constitution, they intentionally gave Congress the power to formally declare and end wars. For far too long Congress has abdicated that responsibility to the Executive. Today’s vote returns the power to the elected representatives of the American people, allowing our deliberative body to formally declare war, just as our Founders intended,” said Senator Lisa Murkowski. “The act of declaring a war is a serious action that requires serious deliberation, consensus, and authorization. This effort comes about 20 years to the date of the United States’ invasion of Iraq—a war that has forced us all as Americans to reflect on how the acts of war have changed, and how the 1991 and 2002 AUMFs have proven to be obsolete. I’m pleased that this bipartisan effort restores Congress’ Constitutional power.”