Kennedy named Humane Society Legislative Leader for advancing animal rights

Source: United States Senator John Kennedy (Louisiana)

WASHINGTON – The Humane Society Legislative Fund has named Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) a 2022 Legislative Leader for his congressional record in advocating for animal rights. This title recognizes lawmakers who consistently introduce and support legislation promoting animal issues.

“Life is precious—plain and simple—and it’s our responsibility to protect the welfare of animals who often find themselves at the mercy of human beings,” said Kennedy.

During the 117th Congress, Kennedy introduced the Bear Poaching Elimination Act, which would help protect bears from poaching by ending the trade of their internal organs. The proposed legislation would prevent the import, export, possession, transportation and trading of bear viscera.

Kennedy also introduced the Chimp Sanctuary Act to move all chimps housed at Department of the Air Force installations to Chimp Haven, a sanctuary for more than 300 chimps in Louisiana.