Manchin Announces $34.5 Million to Support Affordable Housing for all West Virginians

Source: United States Senator for West Virginia Joe Manchin

March 01, 2023

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced $34,544,935 from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the state of West Virginia and nine West Virginia communities to help provide quality, affordable housing for all West Virginians. The funding will specifically support establishing transitional housing for individuals in recovery from substance use disorder, quickly engaging and re-housing West Virginians currently experiencing homelessness and bolstering initiatives that benefit low-income individuals living with HIV/AIDS and their families.


“Ensuring West Virginians have a roof over their head and a warm place to sleep at night continues to be one of my top priorities. Thousands of West Virginians and millions of Americans are currently experiencing homelessness, and we must work together to combat this devastating issue. I’m pleased HUD is investing more than $34.5 million to help ensure quality housing for all West Virginians and reduce the number of people experiencing homelessness. I look forward to seeing the positive impacts of these investments for years to come. As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, I will continue advocating for resources to ensure safe, affordable housing for every West Virginian across the Mountain State,” said Senator Manchin.


Individual awards listed below:

The HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program awards funding to states, cities and counties to help provide quality housing and a suitable living environment for residents.

  • $14,211,637 – State of West Virginia
  • $1,664,865 – Huntington
  • $1,491,070 – Charleston
  • $1,140,498 – Wheeling
  • $877,696 – Parkersburg
  • $471,116 – Morgantown
  • $387,475 – Weirton
  • $330,540 – Martinsburg
  • $292,696 – Beckley City
  • $103,652 – Vienna City

The HUD Recovery Housing Program (RHP) awards funding to states to help provide stable, transitional housing for individuals in recovery from a substance use disorder.

  • $2,191,471 – State of West Virginia

The HUD HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) awards funding to states and localities to assist with a wide range of activities, including building, buying and rehabilitating affordable housing for rent or homeownership or providing direct rental assistance to low-income people.

  • $5,854,821 – State of West Virginia
  • $858,006 – Charleston
  • $759,815 – Huntington
  • $541,663 – Martinsburg
  • $385,214 – Wheeling
  • $340,496 – Parkersburg

The HUD Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program awards funding to states and cities to assist with efforts to quickly engage and re-house individuals currently experiencing homelessness.

  • $1,689,524 – State of West Virginia
  • $145,321 – Huntington

The HUD Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program awards funding to states and community organizations to bolster projects that benefit low-income individuals living with HIV/AIDS and their families.

  • $807,359 – State of West Virginia
 A timeline of Senator Manchin’s efforts to address homelessness is available here.