Source: United States Senator for Maine Angus King
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a hearing of the Senate Veteran’s Affairs Committee (SVAC), U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) discussed the need to proactively address the rising demand for long-term care amongst the veteran community to ensure that veterans can choose what option is best for them whether it be homecare, assisted living, or nursing care. During the hearing, Joy Illem, the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) National Legislative Director, agreed to work with King to help pass the Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act recently voted out of SVAC, and spoke about the need for veterans to age in the comfort of their own homes — an option preferred by veterans and that is less expensive for the American taxpayer.
“I want to look ahead a little bit. The VA estimates that in the next 25 years or so, the number of veterans over 85 is going to go up by like, 40%. It’s going to be a huge demand for long-term care. I don’t expect a short answer here, but I want to put the DAV’s good thinking to help us think through this problem that I think is coming at us. Much better to prepare and think ahead rather than to react to a crisis when it sweeps over us. Is that something the DAV can help us with?” Senator King asked.
“I’ll take this one, Jim. Yes, we see the impending number of aging veterans coming. In fact, it’s one of Dave’s critical policy goals for this year in this Congress. And we know veterans want to remain at home as long as they can with their loved ones and their family, and that requires support. When we do need community living centers or nursing homes, or state veterans homes, that’s key to have that option. But there’s so many steps in between from assisted living to veteran directed care, just to having support in the home to be able to maintain there. So we want to work with you,” Illem said.
Senator King replied, “I’m a great believer in home care. I’ve never met anybody yet who wants to go to a nursing home. Right? You want to stay home. It’s also less expensive for the taxpayers, and I just think that’s something there’s a bill that we just reported out Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act. We want to keep working on that help us get that through the Senate.’
“Absolutely. We will be 100% behind you there,” Illem concluded.
Senator King has consistently worked to build a stronger healthcare workforce and provide better care to Maine’s aging community and people in need. This Congress, he cosponsored a bipartisan bill, the Expanding Veterans’ Options for Long Term Care Act, to expand eligible veterans’ access to assisted living services which would save taxpayer dollars. Last year, he introduced three key pieces of legislation to improve the quality of homecare by providing career support and advancement opportunities for direct care service providers, and spoke on the Senate floor about the benefits of home healthcare investments. He also sponsored the Home Health Care Planning Improvement Act which would allow Medicare payment for home health services ordered by a nurse practitioner, a clinical nurse specialist, a certified nurse-midwife, or a physician assistant.
As a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Senator King works to oversee the VA and ensuring the proper implementation of various programs, such as the PACT Act and the John Scott Hannon Act. Senator King hopes to help improve the bureau’s capacity by investing in its workforce, facilities, and other modernization efforts.
Last year, Senator King conducted nine interviews with Maine veterans as part of the Library of Congress’ Veterans History Project, an effort by the Library to collect, preserve and distribute the personal accounts of American war veterans so that future generations may hear directly from veterans and better understand the realities of war. You can find or watch all nine of Senator King’s interviews HERE.
Senator King is also a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) and has repeatedly pressed for action from top DoD officials on the issue of servicemember suicide. Additionally, he recently spearheaded the passage of legislation to better track and study servicemember suicides by job assignment. Senator King has also worked to properly honor and recognize the sacrifices of Purple Heart medal recipients, protect veterans from fraud, and expand veteran assisted living services.