Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)
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WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Kevin Cramer (R-ND) and Mike Rounds (R-SD) settled a wager they made ahead of the 2022 FCS Championship between North Dakota State University (NDSU) and South Dakota State University (SDSU). Following a Jackrabbits win, Senator Cramer upheld his end of the bet and supplied bison burgers and brats for Senator Rounds and his Washington, D.C. staff, who brought jackrabbit ice cream for everyone to enjoy. Senators John Hoeven (R-ND) and John Thune (R-SD) and their staffs joined the celebration, too.
“Today was an opportunity to come together and celebrate two great football teams, two great universities, two great states, and one great territory. Welcome, South Dakota State University, to the Champions Board,” said Senator Cramer. “North Dakota State, its fans and the State of North Dakota congratulate South Dakota State fans and the State of South Dakota. Let’s make ‘South Fargo’ — Frisco, Texas — an annual event for both schools, I’d be all for that.”
“[This] really is two great states celebrating our traditions and the opportunity to showcase what happens when you put two good programs together, they are competitive, and become national champions,” said Senator Rounds. “But you have to understand, for us it was a heck of a hill to climb because the Bison really have been at the top of the game. In South Dakota, hills don’t bother us. In fact, we’re the only state in the nation where we don’t only climb hills, we climb mountains and we actually carve them. Go Jacks!”
The Bison won the FCS Championship last year, after which Senator Cramer gave a speech on the Senate floor and passed a resolution congratulating the team. NDSU has won nine of the last 12 FCS championships.
Senators Cramer and Rounds made a similar wager on the Dakota Marker game in 2019.