Source: United States Senator for Maine Angus King
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King today celebrated the appointment of Caribou’s Jeff Irving and Littleton’s Jennifer Gogan to the National Potato Promotion Board. The two Maine potato farmers will work to grow markets for American and Maine potatoes – expanding on the successes of the state’s iconic heritage industry.
“Whether they’re fried, baked, scalloped, or mashed, there are few foods that offer the delicious taste and versatility of Maine potatoes,” said Senators Collins and King. “We’re excited that Jeff Irving and Jennifer Gogan are joining the National Potato Promotion Board to help educate more people across the country and globe about the incredible Maine vegetable. These two proud Maine potato farmers are sure to represent our state well and continue the industry’s long legacy of excellence and success.”
“We are very pleased to have both Jeff and Jennifer representing the Maine potato industry on the Potatoes USA board,” said Don Flannery, President of the Maine Potato Board. “There’s no doubt they’ll do a great job ensuring the needs of Maine potato growers are on the forefront at the national level.”
Jennifer Gogan is a Co-Chair of the Research Committee for Potatoes USA, where she leads a program that studies varieties and disease management. A fourth-generation farmer, Ms. Gogan is the assistant manager and part owner of Miller Farms LLC, a seed potato farm in Littleton, Maine. She is also the assistant manager at Miller Farms LLC’s sister company, Aroostook Produce Distributors Inc.
Jeff Irving is the President of Irving Farms in Caribou. He is a member of the Irving family which has been growing potatoes in Aroostook County since the early 19th century. Mr. Irving has been at the forefront of the effort to market the Caribou russet potato for the retail and restaurant markets.
The National Potato Promotion Board, which operates as Potatoes USA, seeks to expand and maintain current potato markets as well as create new markets for potato products. This organization is run under the US Department of Agriculture’s Agriculture Marketing Services and consists of potato producers and importers nominated by their peers and appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture. The board’s main activities include conducting market research and development as well as promotional work for potato producers and consumers. It was established in 1971 by a group of potato farmers wanting to promote the benefits of consuming their products. More information about the board is available on the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) National Potato Promotion Board webpage and on the board’s website