Barrasso on Biden’s State of the Union Address: Americans Have Had Enough

Source: United States Senator for Wyoming John Barrasso

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) released the following statement in response to President Biden’s State of the Union address:

“Wyoming families have had enough of President Biden’s blame game. Tonight, we heard this president brag and boast about a record that is failing the hardworking men and women of our state. This president is causing crisis after crisis.

“Yet, President Biden didn’t talk about these crises tonight. He ignored the pain and suffering of families across the nation. President Biden wants Americans to forget that his out-of-touch policies pushed prices to a 40-year high, crushed Wyoming energy production, and caused the worst border crisis in American history. Instead, he read empty words off of a teleprompter when struggling families need real solutions.

“Unlike Joe Biden and the Democrats, Senate Republicans are focused on fighting for Wyoming families and for every American. We are working to stop his reckless spending, make life more affordable, unleash Wyoming energy, and secure the border. It’s time for Joe Biden to work with us to help Americans recover from the nightmare he caused.”
