Bringing Truth and Transparency to the American People

Source: United States Senator for Wisconsin Ron Johnson

Federal Debt Crisis

Americans are keenly aware that their government is not only failing to work for them – but actively working against them. I do not intend to vote for a debt ceiling increase without structural reforms to address current and future fiscal realities and manage out-of-control government policies.

As Congress continues to pass trillions of dollars in new spending and we approach the debt ceiling with no fiscal controls, Americans are feeling the cost of Washington’s reckless behavior.

The Full Faith and Credit Act would guarantee that the government does not default on its debt and prioritizes spending for the men and women in our military as well as those who depend on Social Security, Medicare, and veteran benefits.

Debt Ceiling Press Conference Video

Getting to Work

I’m excited to announce my committee assignments for the 118th Congress.

I look forward to working with my colleagues on the following committees to bring truth and transparency to the American people.

  • Committe on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
  • Committe on Finance
  • Committe on the Budget

I’m also Ranking Member for the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (subcommitte of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs) which has broad jurisdiction to conduct oversight and investigations affecting the national health, welfare, and safety.

COVID Vaccine News

I sent a letter to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) highlighting accounts from individuals in the aviation industry who experienced adverse events after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

We also revealed data from a Department of Defense (DoD) whistleblower showing increases in disease and injuries in pilots across DoD.

Project Veritas’ Pfizer Video

Federal health agencies have been captured by Big Pharma and grossly derelict in their duties throughout the pandemic. It’s time for Congress to thoroughly investigate vaccine manufacturers and the entire COVID vaccine approval process. ( Tweet)

Podcasts to Watch

  • In spite of her COVID vaccine injury, Brianne Dressen helps others cope with their injuries and fights on their behalf. Please watch and share this important interview. The vaccine injured need to be seen, heard, and believed so they can be helped.
  • It was a privilege to appear with Bobby Kennedy and a courageous group of patriots fighting to bring the truth about the COVID vaccine and other revelations to the public on Fearless with Jason Whitlock.

Latest Legislation

Preventing Taxpayer Money for Abortion Overseas

The Biden administration’s use of American taxpayer dollars to fund and promote abortion providers overseas proves once again that Democrats are the extremists when it comes to abortion. U.S. foreign assistance should be used as a national security tool, not as a way for the left to export their agenda. I’m proud to join my colleagues in introducing legislation that ensures U.S. taxpayer dollars will never be used to fund abortions overseas.

Learn more about the American Values Act.

ESG and Your 401(k)

Democrats are implementing their destructive agenda into every aspect of our lives, including investment decisions of 401(k) plans. Record-high inflation driven by the Biden administration’s out-of-control spending wiped out the wage gains of working families and hurt seniors on a fixed income. This rule jeopardizes Americans’ retirement savings to promote the lefts’ political agenda. I’m proud to support my colleagues in rejecting the Biden administration’s assault on Americans’ financial security.

Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act

This legislation would allow Wisconsin concealed carry permit holders to exercise those rights in any other state that allows concealed carry, while abiding by that state’s laws. The legislation protects states’ rights while allowing law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights away from home.

Stop Government Shutdowns

We are reintroducing the Prevent Government Shutdowns Act, which would take government shutdowns off the table and force Congress to stay in town until their work is complete.

Honoring a Wisconsin Hero Astronaut

Wisconsinite Laurel Clark was a doctor, Navy captain, mother and Mission Specialist dedicated to living life to the fullest.

Twenty years ago, on February 1, she lost her life alongside six others in the fateful Columbia Space Shuttle disaster. We honor her legacy and celebrate her bravery.