Rubio Tells Biden to Stop Playing Politics on Debt Limit

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

The United States has reached its $31.4 trillion statutory debt limit, which is the threshold set by Congress in December 2021. 
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released a statement rejecting President Joe Biden’s demand that Congress increase the statutory debt limit without any corresponding fiscal or programmatic reforms. 

  • “The Biden Administration’s position is a non-starter. The president cannot dictate terms to Congress or simply ignore the will of the House Republican majority. That is not how our system of government works.


  • “The consequences of the Biden Administration’s indefensible gamble will fall directly on the American people. Everyone knows Washington spending is out of control. In the past, both sides have come together to be a part of the solution. That needs to happen again, but it won’t until the administration stops playing politics and comes to the negotiating table.” – Senator Rubio