ICYMI: Rubio Gives Message to Those Who March for Life

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

A Message to the March for Life
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
January 18, 2023

In just a few days, thousands of Americans will travel to Washington, D.C. and state capitals across the country for the annual March for Life…. This year’s march—unlike marches of the past—will not be directed at overturning Roe v. Wade…. This January, you [the marchers] have legitimate cause for celebration.
And yet, the fact that you’re still here shows that you think our work isn’t done. And you’re right…. Your work—and mine—won’t be done until this country is truly safe for women and the unborn.
That sentence horrifies elite political consultants. They want Republican politicians to run the other way on abortion, to leave everything to the states, to stop talking about the value of human life, etc. Unfortunately, many listened to them. And now they’ve bought into the media narrative that it was support for the unborn that cost Republicans in the midterm elections….
Unborn babies cannot run away from the abortionist. They cannot protest the violation of their most basic inalienable right—their right to life—because they have no voice of their own. We must be their voice.

That is why I did not run from my pro-life views even though I faced what many thought would be a difficult reelection campaign last year…. [O]n November 8, the people of Florida showed that they know what real extremism is—and that they still believe in an inalienable right to life…. 
Support for life cannot end after an election, though…. [T]he dismantling of America’s pro-abortion legal regime requires we do even more to support pregnant and new moms, as well as their young children. Rhetoric isn’t enough, which is why Representative Ashley Hinson (R-IA) and I introduced the Providing for Life Act….
We are in a new era, fresh off victory in Dobbs and energized for what comes next. Doing what is right isn’t always easy, but it is never in vain…. There are many more marches to come, but we’re on a good track at long last.

Read the rest here.