King Statement Marking Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2023

Source: United States Senator for Maine Angus King

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Office of U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) released the following statement from Senator King in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:

“On August 28, 1963, I sat perched on a tree limb on the National Mall and listened as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. told a crowd about his dream that one day, America would truly embody the idea that all people are created equal. His words still echo in my ears. Dr. King spoke with clarity, passion, and unparalleled talent to remind us that it’s character that counts, not race, gender, religion, or national origin. His voice and his work inspired generations of Americans to recommit themselves to realize his dream.

“While Dr. King’s vision is far from being fulfilled, Congress has made great bipartisan progress to realize his dreams. Just last year alone, we passed commonsense legislation to enshrine the right to same-sex and interracial marriage and fix our broken electoral system to ensure that our democratic system continues to work for the people. Yet there is indeed much more to be done.

“As Dr. King famously said: the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. We must summon his wisdom and his drive as Americans of all backgrounds continue to work together in pursuit of a more perfect union—one that truly guarantees liberty and justice for all.”