Cornyn, Colleagues’ Bill Inspired by Nassar Survivors to Improve FBI Child Victim Protocols Signed into Law

Source: United States Senator for Texas John Cornyn

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX), Chris Coons (D-DE), and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) released the following statements after the Respect for Child Survivors Act, which would improve the treatment of FBI child victim witnesses by requiring trauma-informed experts to be a part of any interview with a victim who reports child abuse or trafficking to the FBI, was signed into law:

“It’s critical that victims who report child abuse are protected throughout the FBI’s interview process,” said Sen. Cornyn. “By requiring the FBI to include trauma-informed experts during interviews, this important legislation ensures vulnerable child witnesses are not re-traumatized, and I’m grateful to the brave survivors of Larry Nassar’s abuse who shared their experiences with the Senate and inspired this critical law.”

“We have a duty to ensure that survivors and witnesses to sexual assault are heard and respected, especially when they come forward to law enforcement to report abuse,” said Sen. Coons. “Unfortunately, mishandled or repeated interviews can too often re-traumatize survivors. The bipartisan, bicameral Respect for Child Survivors Act will reduce poorly conducted interviews during investigations of child abuse and sexual exploitation by requiring the FBI to use multidisciplinary teams of trained. I’m proud to see this head to the President’s desk for signature, and I hope it will protect survivors and encourage more to come forward.”

“I applaud Senator Cornyn’s leadership on this issue to correct an egregious wrong committed by certain FBI agents regarding their treatment of victims of sexual abuse,” said Sen. Graham. “Requiring the FBI to use appropriate, tried and true methods to interview child victims will help ensure the FBI’s failure in the Nassar case doesn’t happen again.  Our legislation makes it clear that we expect better.”

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) is also a cosponsor of this legislation.


During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing examining the Inspector General’s Report on the FBI’s Handling of the Larry Nassar investigation last year, retired gymnast and survivor McKayla Maroney shared striking testimony of how she was treated by the FBI personnel who interviewed her. This legislation was formulated with input from child welfare groups to address the mistreatment of child witnesses like those described during that hearing.

Under this legislation, victims would be interviewed by those with the expertise to appropriately address and treat their trauma. This bill would require the FBI to use multidisciplinary teams when investigating child sexual abuse cases, child sexual abuse material cases, and child trafficking cases, including in situations where the interviewed victim is no longer a child. These multidisciplinary teams would be composed of appropriate investigative personnel, mental health professionals, medical personnel, family advocacy case workers, child advocacy center personnel, and prosecutors. Members of these teams have expertise in their field, can provide trauma-informed care, and are required to stay current on industry training. 

The use of multidisciplinary teams would prevent re-traumatizing victims, and the information-sharing and case review provisions would ensure accountability so cases are not dropped or forgotten in the future. Investigations would be reviewed by a multidisciplinary team at regularly scheduled times to share information about case progress, address any investigative or prosecutorial barriers, and ensure victims receive support and needed treatment. This bill would also provide a dedicated source of funding for Children’s Advocacy Centers, which coordinate the investigation, treatment, and prosecution of child abuse cases.

This legislation is supported by the Rape Abuse & Incest National Network, the National District Attorneys Association, Army of Survivors, and the National Children’s Alliance.