ICYMI: Rubio Reveals His Plan for American Renewal

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

My Plan for American Renewal
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
January 3, 2023
The American Conservative

…Decades of [a failed bipartisan establishment] have brought America to the brink…. Every official is eager to call out the villains—and we should—but we cannot chart a new course unless we win elections. And we will not win elections unless we give people a reason to vote for us…. As I see it, we have three main tasks ahead of us.
First, we need to rebalance our domestic economy by putting Wall Street in its place…. This means strengthening tools to block and penalize investments that undermine national security, and incentivizing investors to bring capital back to America and put it to work in revitalizing our innovative and productive capacity.
Our second task is to bring critical industries back to America…. At a minimum, we must make [our development and government financing] organizations work together to invest in things that actually matter.
Finally, we have an obligation to rebuild America’s workforce…. [I]f unions want to defend the importation of cheap foreign labor and force the latest woke fads down everyday Americans’ throats, then we need to pursue alternative mechanisms to support workers….
There is much more to do, of course. Our schools are a cesspool of Marxist indoctrination…. The fight for life also remains a priority…. Big Tech remains far too powerful, as well…. [And n]one of this even gets at the multitude of foreign policy challenges our nation faces.
Our greatest task in that realm may be forcing the outdated foreign policy blob…to reprioritize and focus on America’s most pressing threat: the Chinese Communist Party. And that will require tradeoffs and burden-sharing….

Clearly, we face a lot of challenges. But…I’ll be damned if I am going to stand by while our nation becomes just a footnote in world history. Because the truth is that if America fails, I have nowhere left to go…. [W]ithout a strong U.S., there will be no place in the world for those who believe that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and that those rights should be protected by the government.
We can’t let such a future come to pass. That is why, for the next six years, I will be laser-focused on rebuilding the Republican Party into a multi-ethnic, working-class coalition that is willing to fight for this country and usher in a new American century.

Read the rest here.