Massachusetts Delegation Announces $225 Million in Federal Funding to Support Critical Projects Across Bay State

Source: United States Senator for Massachusetts Ed Markey

List of Projects (PDF)

Washington (December 23, 2022) – The Massachusetts Congressional delegation, Senators Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Chairman Richard E. Neal (MA-01), Chairman James P. McGovern (MA-02), Congresswoman Lori Trahan (MA-03), Congressman Jake Auchincloss (MA-04), Assistant Speaker Katherine Clark (MA-05), Congressman Seth Moulton (MA-06), Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), Congressman Stephen F. Lynch (MA-08), and Congressman Bill Keating (MA-09), announced today that the delegation secured an estimated $225 million in Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) in the Fiscal Year 2023 spending bill for projects across the Bay State.

The federal funding will support 160 community projects across Massachusetts, including $52 million for programs advancing health, education, and other supportive services such as $1 million to add more inpatient beds at UMass Memorial Medical Center, $1 million for the Massachusetts General Hospital to continue supporting the Home Base program in its mission of serving the families of fallen veterans, and $1 million to support the City of Boston in its continued efforts to bridge the gap in child care services for homeless families. The delegation also secured $112 million for transportation, housing, and urban development projects, including $2 million to support DOVE, Inc.’s efforts to establish an emergency shelter for family members and partners surviving domestic violence, and $2.3 million to fund the City of Salem’s North Shore Workforce and Career Mobility Program, among other projects.

“All across Massachusetts, community leaders are working tirelessly to build a brighter future for our Commonwealth, and I am proud of the funding we’ve secured in this budget to help them do that important work,” said Senator Markey. “These federal dollars will be put to good use uplifting on-the-ground work to improve our essential infrastructure, expand public transportation access, support the development of affordable housing, promote climate resiliency and our clean energy future, and ensure that families most in need have food and shelter.”

“These federal investments are part of how we build a democracy and an economy that works for everybody. I fought hard to help secure significant funding from Congress for 160 community projects in Massachusetts,” said Senator Warren. “Investments like these help advance economic opportunity for working families across the Commonwealth, and I’ll ensure the federal government continues to be a dependable partner for the people of Massachusetts.”

“Our local leaders know best where federal resources can make a difference on the ground, and I am proud to have partnered with them to bring home these game-changing investments,” said Incoming Democratic Whip and Assistant Speaker Clark. “The FY2023 funding package includes fifteen projects in MA-5 that will improve our climate resiliency, increase child care availability, build new green community spaces, and expand access to affordable health care services. With this funding, we are addressing today’s challenges and building a greener, more affordable tomorrow for families in the Fifth District.” 

“From North Adams to Dudley, I have partnered with community leaders to explore ways in which a robust investment in federal dollars could best be allocated,” said Rep. Neal, Chair of the House Committee on Ways and Means. “I am thrilled to have secured over $20 million for 15 projects in western and central Massachusetts that will create jobs with better pay, make us safer, strengthen our communities, and start to tackle climate change.”

“Health equity investments in Worcester. Accessibility improvements in Turners Falls. Technology for firefighters and EMTs in Franklin County, and more. I fought hard to bring over $18 million in federal funding to 15 deserving community projects across the Second District,” said Chairman McGovern. “As Chair of the House Rules Committee, I ensured funding for these vital causes was included in our final end-of-year spending bill. I’m proud of the impact our work will have on communities across Central and Western Massachusetts and throughout the Commonwealth.”

“I go to work every day looking for ways to deliver federal resources for local economic development and infrastructure projects that will improve the lives of folks across the Third District,” said Rep. Trahan. “These investments will undoubtedly make our district and our Commonwealth a better place to call home, and I couldn’t be prouder of our work to get them across the finish line. I look forward to collaborating with community leaders to get these funds released as soon as possible so we can start putting them to work here at home.”

 “These critical funds will make our communities cleaner, stronger, and safer. Investing in infrastructure and getting localities the funds they need to reach their full economic potential will help our District and Commonwealth reach the next level,” said Rep. Auchincloss.

“Every day across the Sixth District – and across Massachusetts – our dedicated communities work on ways to improve life for everyone. The funding included in this year’s omnibus will further those efforts, supporting everything from better healthcare, to economic mobility, to environmental resilience,” said Rep.  Moulton. “Although the vote was down to the wire, what matters is that this incredibly important funding has been secured, and that over $16 million will be put to good use on the North Shore soon.”

“I am proud to have championed these investments in our people. These projects are a reflection of our close partnership with cities, towns, grassroots organizations, and advocates across the Massachusetts 7th, and will collectively help us improve the lives of our constituents and continue to work toward a just and equitable recovery,” said Rep. Pressley. “I look forward to delivering these vital resources so communities across the district have the means to not only survive but to thrive.”

“The Community Project Funding process is highly collaborative and I am grateful for all the hard work and dedication of our local and state leaders,” said Rep. Lynch. “I am pleased to see that 14 Community Projects were funded in my district, providing nearly $30.5M that will help make residents safer, strengthen our communities, support veterans’ mental health, create jobs with good pay and start to tackle climate change. The appropriations bill requires extensive negotiations and I am thankful for the continued support of all my congressional colleagues to ensure these critical projects were included in the final government funding package.”

“These federal funds coming to the Commonwealth are the result of a robust, transparent Community Project Funding process that saw our Congressional delegation working closely with local municipalities, institutions of higher learning, and non-profits,” said Rep. Keating. “I am incredibly proud of the investments being made in Southeastern Massachusetts – from wastewater infrastructure to food security and early childhood education and more; these grants will continue to pay dividends for decades to come.”
