Inhofe Statement on David Beasley

Source: United States Senator for Oklahoma James Inhofe

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe released the below statement after good friend and executive director of the World Food Programme, David Beasley, announced his intent to step down in April when his term expires.

“I am sad to see my friend David Beasley announce his plans to step down from a role he has served so well—executive director of the World Food Programme,” Inhofe said. “I remember back when I met David at the National Prayer Breakfast, we became fast friends and he quickly turned in to a confidante. I have carried around a scripture card in my coat pocket for a long period of time. It is Proverbs 31:8,9—which is very fitting for what David has accomplished through his strong faith in God. If you know David, it would come as no surprise that he was awarded the Nobel peace prize for his work at the helm of the World Food Programme—a true testament to all he has accomplished. The World Food Programme is losing a force for good, but I know that whatever comes next for David will not be wasted time. Well done, my friend.”