Sen. Cramer: Senate Passes the James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND), member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), issued the following statement after the Senate passed the James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023. The FY 2023 NDAA was named in honor of Senator Inhofe (R-OK) to commemorate his 35 years of public service in the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.

“While this bill should have been passed months ago, providing for the common defense is a founding principle and absolutely critical responsibility of Congress. The NDAA invests in our national security and our brave service members and their families. It contains funding for North Dakota’s military assets and missions in Minot, Grand Forks, and Cavalier while providing support for our state’s National Guard and the entire North Dakota military community. It also emphasizes nuclear modernization programs and protects our strategic deterrent to keep pace with our adversaries. I’m pleased to see the final version include my amendment on contract flexibility to better allow the Pentagon to tackle rising costs in the defense supply chain,” said Senator Cramer.

Senator Cramer secured the following amendments to strengthen this annual legislation:

  1. Allows the Department of Defense (DoD) to modify contracts to address rising costs due to record-high inflation and supply chain issues.
  2. Retains leadership positions at the Space Development Agency (SDA) to ensure continued, high-level management of the agency by leaders from the space industry, leveraging their expertise to keep the U.S. at the forefront of space technologies that deter or defeat our adversaries.
  3. Removes the current cap on how many excess planes the DoD can transfer to other federal agencies and allow the transfer of aircraft to states for emergency response and wildfire suppression purposes. Learn more here.

FY23 NDAA Topline Provisions:

The FY23 NDAA – which passed through SASC overwhelmingly with a vote of 23-3 and has been conferenced with the House Armed Services Committee – is a $858 billion bill to provide for the national defense of the United States. Specifically, this NDAA:

  1. Rescinds the COVID vaccine mandate, preventing any further discharges based on COVID vaccine status.
  2. Supports the DoD by increasing the topline authorization to $45 billion above what this administration requested. The increase will begin to fill the gaps created by Biden’s inflation and Putin’s war in Ukraine, while continuing to fund efforts to keep pace with China’s growing military and nuclear capabilities.
  3. Strengthens the all-volunteer force through a 4.6 percent pay raise, increases in impact aid and basic needs allowance thresholds, and additional funding for recruiting and retention efforts effected by inflation.
  4. Provides our military services and combatant commanders with the resources needed to deter, and if necessary, defeat adversaries like China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and violent extremist organizations around the world.
  5. Enhances deterrence by recapitalizing and modernizing the U.S. nuclear triad; ensuring the safety, security, and reliability of our nuclear stockpile, delivery systems, and infrastructure; increasing capacity in theater and homeland missile defense; and strengthening nonproliferation programs.

Learn more here.

North Dakota Projects and Priorities:

As the first-ever North Dakotan to serve on an Armed Services committee in Congress, Senator Cramer has used his seat on SASC to secure funding authorization and language for missions both directly and indirectly benefiting North Dakota’s military community. This year’s bill fully funds nuclear modernization efforts, supports efforts to develop increased intelligence capabilities, grows the Space Force, and authorizes multiple North Dakota military projects.

Minot Air Force Base (AFB):

  1. Provides $3.6 billion for Sentinel (Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD)) modernization.
    1. Since becoming a member of SASC, Senator Cramer has been a vocal supporter of the nation’s nuclear triad and has pushed military leaders at the highest levels to keep GBSD funded and on-time.
  2. Provides $735 million for B-52 commercial engine replacement program (CERP) and radar modernization.
  3. Provides $39 million for the Nuclear Command, Control & Communication (NC3) program, which will modernize the communications equipment used at Minot AFB.
  4. Limits the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) count to no less than 400 total protecting our nuclear deterrent.
  5. Directs the Secretary of the Air Force to submit a report on the feasibility of Bomber Agile Combat Employment (BACE).

Grand Forks AFB:

  1. Space Development Agency (SDA)
    1. Directs the Secretary of Defense to review and make a recommendation for SDA to implement middle-tier acquisition authority (MTA) to allow them to continue rapid acquisition.
    2. Directs the Secretary of the Air Force to provide a briefing on the transition of SDA to the Space Force and efforts to ensure it can use MTA and hire necessary personnel.

Cavalier Space Force Station:

  1. Adds $3 million for Perimeter Acquisition Radar Attack Characterization System (PARCS) modernization.
  2. Directs the Secretary of the Air Force to provide a report on the feasibility of upgrading PARCS, the consequences of not doing so, and the gaps that would result from a failure of the system.

 North Dakota Army National Guard and Air National Guard:

  1. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Pilots Mental Health: Directs the Secretary of the Air Force to study the work-life balance of drone operators and their health and welfare.
  2. National Guard Promotion Improvement: Provides for the backdating of effective date of rank for reserve officers in the National Guard due to undue delays in Federal recognition.

 Key North Dakota Projects:

  1. Antibody Development: Encourages the enhancement of and additional funding for the Department of Defense’s end-to-end antibody development program in light of lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. This applies to the North Dakota company Genovac, which has been critical in advancing antibody discovery.
  2. Intranasal Ketamine: Recommends the Department of Defense conduct pre-clinical testing and clinical trials of intranasal ketamine such that results may be used to facilitate FDA approval for acute pain management. This advances work done at numerous North Dakota ketamine treatments clinics.
  3. Swift Water Training: Encourages the National Guard to use facilities that provide a safe, realistic environment to train for flood rescues.
  4. Authorizes assignment pay or special duty pay for service members stationed in extreme climate locations.

This is the fourth NDAA Senator Cramer has helped craft as a member of SASC. In 2019, he was able to shepherd through the creation of the USSF, and in 2020 and 2021, he was able to secure a host of pro-North Dakota provisions in the legislation.