Governing Agenda for Senate Republicans

Source: United States Senator for Wisconsin Ron Johnson

Restoring Function and Fiscal Sanity

The Wall Street Journal published my op-ed outlining the steps Republicans must take to restore function and fiscal sanity to Congress.

The American people won’t settle for business-as-usual. We must adopt an official legislative agenda that prioritizes:

  • securing our border
  • regaining energy independence
  • restoring fiscal sanity
  • easing the regulatory burden
  • ensuring a competitive tax environment

Conservatives understand the peril the country is in. They know how difficult it will be for Republicans to work with the socialist ideologues who set the Democratic Party’s agenda. But that sympathy will have its limits, particularly if Republicans return to business as usual. We simply can’t let that happen.

Questioning the FBI

The FBI tried to paint the revelations in the Hunter Biden laptop as “Russian disinformation,” interfering in the 2020 election to a far greater extent than anything Russia or China ever could have hoped to accomplish.

This corruption must be investigated and exposed. When I asked FBI Director Christopher Wray if he saw any sign of Russian disinformation in my report on Hunter Biden’s corruption. He said, “That’s a hard question for me to answer.”

This is an easy question with an easy answer – no Russian disinformation or foreign influence.

Watch the entire exchange here.

I Want to Save Social Security

I want to SAVE Social Security and Medicare.

My friend, Larry Kudlow, explains it best when he said the falsehoods spread by President Biden are “a big, fat, flat-out Lie, with a capital L.”

I also recorded this video with a direct message to all of you. I hope you take two minutes to watch. Thank you.

Respect for Marriage Act

I voted against the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to the Respect for Marriage Act because it is unnecessary as the Obergefell decision is settled law and has no chance of being overturned.

The Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization made clear no other right would be affected by its ruling. The Democrats have used this to create a state of fear over a settled issue in order to further divide Americans for their political benefit. The substitute amendment did not provide sufficient protection for those with strongly held religious beliefs and leaves a lane open for discrimination by activist groups, state governments and the IRS. Senator Lee proposed an amendment that would have prohibited the government from taking such action, and even offered to vote for the bill if they accepted it. I would have also supported the bill with his language. The fact that the bill’s sponsors rejected his offer speaks volumes. Religious liberty should be upheld for all and those with sincerely held religious beliefs should not be discriminated against for their views on marriage.

Waukesha Parade Massacre Anniversary

This week we saw the long-awaited sentencing of Darrell Brooks for the Waukesha Christmas Parade massacre. Justice was served with six consecutive life sentences and more than 700 additional years behind bars.

In remembrance of the upcoming one-year anniversary of this horrific event, I co-introduced a resolution recognizing the resiliency and strength of the community of Waukesha, and honoring the six Wisconsinites who were murdered and the 62 others who were injured on November 21, 2021.

The Waukesha Christmas Parade massacre was a horrific attack that never should have happened. Today, we remember those killed, injured and forever impacted by this senseless act of violence. Families who came to see Santa Claus, high school bands and the Dancing Grannies instead witnessed a horror that will leave life-long psychological scars. My thoughts and prayers are with the community of Waukesha as they continue to recover from this tragedy.

Read the resolution here.

Joseph Project Milwaukee

Congratulations to Class 128 of the Joseph Project who graduated this week in Milwaukee. Our six November graduates completed one week of training preparing them for job interviews which happen within days of graduation. Our volunteers were particularly impressed with the dedication of this class to overcome obstacles in their lives and change through the power of work. We wish them well!

Giving Thanks

On Veterans Day, we remember all who served this great nation. We are grateful for for their service and sacrifice. I was honored to tour the new Medal of Honor exhibit at Milwaukee’s War Memorial Center highlighting the 64 Wisconsin veterans awarded the nation’s highest military decoration.