Van Hollen, Blumenthal, Colleagues Urge DOJ & ATF to Clarify & Enforce Ghost Guns Rule

Source: United States Senator for Maryland Chris Van Hollen

November 02, 2022

Ghost gun companies have continued to sell firearm components by claiming “nearly-complete frames & receivers” are not covered under federal law

U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) joined Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) along with a group of senators in urging the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to issue enforcement guidance and clarify the recently finalized Ghost Gun Rule. The rule regulates unfinished frames and receivers that are the core components used to construct ghost guns, which have become the preferred instruments for criminals and violent extremists and pose a severe threat to the public and law enforcement. Ghost gun companies have attempted to avoid the rule’s restrictions by claiming that they can still legally sell “nearly-complete” frames and receivers as standalone products, without tools and other materials to complete a ghost gun, without running afoul of the new rule. 

“These companies have adopted the position that selling nearly-complete frames and receivers without the tools (commonly known as jigs) or instructions to complete them means that their products are not firearms under federal law,” the senators wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland and ATF Director Steven Dettelbach. “Of the 100 companies previously known to sell unserialized and nearly-complete frames and receivers, dozens remain engaged in that business.”

The number of ghost guns recovered at potential crime scenes has grown exponentially, jumping from 1,758 in 2016 to 19,344 in 2021 alone. That these firearms are untraceable only makes it more difficult for law enforcement to develop leads and solve crimes. Between January 1, 2016, and March 4, 2021, ATF attempted to trace almost 23,946 recovered ghost guns, but could only complete 151 traces.

In addition to these nearly-complete frames and receivers, the senators noted that many companies have also been selling standalone tools and equipment with directions to help purchasers complete the firearms. With these untraceable, dangerous weapons still accessible to those who wish to cause harm, the senators called for stronger enforcement of the rule.  

“The final rule, however, is clear and unambiguous: a nearly-complete frame or receiver is a firearm. The rule does not cover only frames and receivers sold as part of a kit, but also frames and receivers that can be readily completed. Indeed, enforcing the rule only against sellers of kits would be a colossal loophole,” the senators continued.

“The Ghost Gun Rule was promulgated to stop the proliferation of ghost guns, mitigate the threat these firearms pose to our communities, and help law enforcement—at every level—do their jobs… It is now incumbent upon the Department and ATF to see that it is enforced—and enforced strongly,” the group concluded.  

Senator Van Hollen has fought for years to ban ghost guns and take action to reduce gun violence – introducing the Untraceable Firearms Act, the ATF Improvement and Modernization (AIM) Act, and the Handgun Purchaser Licensing Act. He applauded the Administration’s executive actions to address the epidemic of gun violence our nation is facing, including safeguards on the production and sale of ghost guns.

In addition to Senators Van Hollen and Blumenthal, the letter was signed by Senators Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Bob Casey (D-Pa.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Alex Padilla (D-Calif.), Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.).

The full text of the letter is available here and below.

Dear Attorney General Garland and Director Dettelbach: 

We write to encourage the Department of Justice and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to issue enforcement guidance to clarify the Definition of “Frame or Receiver” Final Rule—better known as the Ghost Gun Rule—to ensure that it meets the goal of enforcing the law and stopping the proliferation of these deadly and untraceable firearms that can be acquired without a background check. This rule is intended to regulate nearly-complete frames and receivers that are the core components used to construct ghost guns. Under the final rule—effective August 24, 2022—readily completed frames and receivers are subject to the same regulations as traditional firearms: licensing, background check, and serialization requirements. If the Ghost Gun Rule is fully and properly implemented, the Department and ATF will be better able to protect the public from violent gun crimes and gun trafficking, and help law enforcement solve the crimes in which these firearms are used.

Notwithstanding the Ghost Gun Rule, ghost gun companies have continued to sell the parts and tools to make these dangerous firearms—contending that the final rule fails to cover them and their products. These companies have adopted the position that selling nearly-complete frames and receivers without the tools (commonly known as jigs) or instructions to complete them means that their products are not firearms under federal law. Of the 100 companies previously known to sell unserialized and nearly-complete frames and receivers, dozens remain engaged in that business—including selling nearly-complete unserialized frames and receivers as well as offering the standalone tools and equipment with directions to help purchasers complete them.

The final rule, however, is clear and unambiguous: a nearly-complete frame or receiver is a firearm. The rule does not cover only frames and receivers sold as part of a kit, but also frames and receivers that can be readily completed. Indeed, enforcing the rule only against sellers of kits would be a colossal loophole that would swallow the rule because the outcome is one and the same: both kits and standalone frames and receivers can readily be completed, assembled, restored, or otherwise converted to an operational frame or receiver. The text of the Ghost Gun Rule is consistent with other steps ATF has taken to ensure that unfinished frames and receivers are treated as firearms. For example, ATF has rescinded prior determination letters that ruled nearly-complete frames or receivers are not firearms and has required manufacturers to resubmit these parts for review.

These parts and the ghost guns made from them pose a serious and severe threat to the public and to law enforcement. In May 2021, the Senate Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on The Constitution heard testimony from leading experts and law enforcement officials that ghost guns are becoming the preferred instruments for criminals and violent extremists—the fastest-growing gun violence menace in the nation. These firearms have been used in school and mass shootings, in domestic violence incidents, in domestic terrorism, and in police shootouts resulting in officer injuries and deaths. 

This threat continues to increase as the number of ghost guns recovered at potential crime scenes grows exponentially. In 2016, law enforcement recovered 1,758 ghost guns at potential crime scenes across the United States. The number of recovered ghost guns more than doubled in 2018, and more than doubled again in 2020. In 2021, alone, law enforcement recovered at least 19,344 ghost guns at potential crime scenes. That these firearms are untraceable only makes it more difficult for law enforcement to trace crime guns, develop leads, and solve crimes. Between January 1, 2016, and March 4, 2021, ATF attempted to trace almost 23,946 recovered ghost guns, but could only complete 151 traces. In the remaining 23,795 instances, absent other investigative leads and information, the crimes in which those firearms were used go unsolved. 

The Ghost Gun Rule was promulgated to stop the proliferation of ghost guns, mitigate the threat these firearms pose to our communities, and help law enforcement—at every level—do their jobs. To that end, we urge the Department and ATF to issue enforcement guidance that makes clear that when determining whether a frame or receiver may be “readily converted” into a functional firearm, ATF will consider whether equipment, tools, and instructions that facilitate completion are available otherwise we risk allowing violent criminals, domestic terrorists, and school shooters arming themselves with these easy-to-get, untraceable firearms without a background check.

In particular, we urge the Department and ATF to confirm that how ATF reviews the “readily convertible” nature of a nearly-complete frame or receiver will not be limited to what tools, equipment, and instructions are included in the same sale or distribution of the part sold, but rather premised on the tools, equipment, and instructions that are readily available to the general public, including those easily obtainable online through third parties. We also encourage the Department and ATF to provide information about the enforcement actions that will be taken to hold accountable the ghost gun companies who continue to flaunt the final rule and sell ghost gun parts.

We applaud and commend the work the Department and ATF have done to protect the public from ghost guns, including this final rule. It is now incumbent upon the Department and ATF to see that it is enforced—and enforced strongly. This guidance would help ensure just that. 
