Sen. Cramer Discusses Biden Administration’s Obstacles to Tribal Energy Development on Kudlow

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

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BISMARCK, N.D. – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND), member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, joined Larry Kudlow on Fox Business to discuss obstacles from the Biden Administration to tribal energy development and sovereignty. They also discussed reports OPEC+ is considering major cuts to production to raise oil prices. Excerpts and full video are below.

On Tribal Energy Development and Sovereignty

“Even in the Obama Administration when I was on the House Natural Resources Committee, we had a hearing about gas gathering lines and flaring of natural gas, which was happening more on tribal land than on other federal land[s], largely because of layers of bureaucracy and because the Democratic Administration was hypocritical in terms of the conflict between the sovereignty for Native Americans and their reservations versus the Left’s desire to stifle the oil and gas industry. Now in North Dakota, 23% of the oil that’s produced in the Bakken is produced on the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation—a sovereign nation that is experiencing the same thing that we’re all experiencing and that is the overreach of a federal government [who] doesn’t want these resources to be mined or developed, even for their Native American friends.”

“[The federal government has] treaty rights [and] legacy obligations here. But the fact of the matter is they are sovereign in how they govern themselves and that same sovereignty in how you govern yourself extends to your natural resources. And by the way, Mark Fox is a really good chairman… [Tribes] know what’s best for themselves. They know what their members need. They know the advantages of high-paying jobs [and] wealth creation. Again, it’s their natural resources. We hear a lot about justice and equity from the Left and yet here’s a situation where they certainly seem to throw some of those priorities out the window and replace it instead with keep[ing] the oil in the ground.”

On Possible OPEC+ Cuts to Oil Production

“[Cuts OPEC+ oil production] would be problematic for the political future here in the short run for the Democrats and it would not be great for the overall economy. Right now oil prices are higher than they used to be… so much for Joe Biden being able to transact with the Saudis and use the influence of his bully pulpit with the world marketplace. What we ought to do is bring the prices down by producing a lot more right here in the United States of America. Remember when we did that once Larry? It worked quite well. It brought prices down for the consumer, which brings prices down for everything that affects energy. Energy affects everything in the supply chain and the value chain.”

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