English/Español: Rubio, Scott Request Disaster Supplemental for Hurricane Ian Recovery

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

On Wednesday, Hurricane Ian made landfall near Cayo Costa, Florida as a Category 4 major hurricane, resulting in catastrophic damage along its path through Florida. 
To ensure Florida has the critical resources it needs, U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rick Scott (R-FL) sent a letter to Senate Committee on Appropriations Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Vice Chairman Richard Shelby (R-AL) requesting the committee’s support to develop a disaster supplemental that will provide the necessary assistance for Florida to recover from this devastating hurricane.

  • “Hurricane Ian will be remembered and studied as one of the most devastating hurricanes to hit the United States. Communities across Florida have been completely destroyed, and lives have been forever changed. A robust and timely federal response, including through supplemental programs and funding, will be required to ensure that sufficient resources are provided to rebuild critical infrastructure and public services capacity, and to assist our fellow Floridians in rebuilding their lives. These provisions must be made a priority and considered at the earliest opportunity.”

Want more? Read the full text of the letter here and below. 
Dear Chairman Leahy and Vice Chairman Shelby:

As our constituents and state begin the long recovery from Major Hurricane Ian’s destruction, we request your support in developing a disaster supplemental to provide much needed assistance to Florida.
Hurricane Ian will be remembered and studied as one of the most devastating hurricanes to hit the United States. Communities across Florida have been completely destroyed, and lives have been forever changed. A robust and timely federal response, including through supplemental programs and funding, will be required to ensure that sufficient resources are provided to rebuild critical infrastructure and public services capacity, and to assist our fellow Floridians in rebuilding their lives. These provisions must be made a priority and considered at the earliest opportunity.
We look forward to working with you to develop and secure the resources that are desperately needed to rebuild our communities in both Florida and Puerto Rico, which was impacted by Hurricane Fiona. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
More on Hurricane Ian… 



Este pasado miércoles, el Huracán Ian tocó tierra cerca de Cayo Costa, Florida como un huracán de categoría 4, lo que provocó daños catastróficos a lo largo de su trayectoria por Florida. 
Para garantizar que Florida tenga los recursos que necesita, los senadores estadounidenses Marco Rubio (R-FL) y Rick Scott (R-FL) enviaron una carta al presidente del Comité de Asignaciones del Senado de EE.UU. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) y al vicepresidente Richard Shelby (R -AL) solicitando el apoyo del comité para desarrollar un suplemento de desastre que brindará la asistencia necesaria para que Florida se recupere tras este devastador huracán.

  • “El Huracán Ian será recordado y estudiado como uno de los huracanes más devastadores que azotó a EE.UU. Las comunidades de Florida han sido completamente destruidas y las vidas de los floridanos han cambiado para siempre. Se requerirá una respuesta federal sólida y oportuna, incluso a través de programas y fondos complementarios, para garantizar que se brinden suficientes recursos para reconstruir la infraestructura crítica y la capacidad de los servicios públicos, y para ayudar a nuestros conciudadanos en Florida a reconstruir sus vidas. Estas disposiciones deben ser prioritarias y consideradas lo antes posible”.

¿Quieren más información? Lea el texto completo de la carta en inglés aquí
Más información sobre el Huracán Ian….