Sen. Cramer, Colleagues Introduce Angel Family Bill to Help Family Members of Those Killed by Illegal Immigrants

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) joined Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) and Congressman Troy E. Nehls (R-TX-22) in introducing the Justice for Angel Families Act. This legislation would amend the Crime Victims Fund (CVF) to expand funds to angel families, who are immediate relatives of victims of homicide by an illegal immigrant, including drunk driving accidents. It would also reinstate and codify the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which was established by an Executive Order signed by President Donald J. Trump in 2017. U.S. authorities saw over 2.3 million illegal border crossings this fiscal year, as violent crime has continued to surge across the country. However, there is no official record specifically to track crimes committed by “illegal immigrants” in the U.S., and little is done for the families of these victims. The Justice for Angel Families Act would require the VOICE Office to publish annual reports to Congress detailing the effects of crimes committed by unlawful criminal aliens.

“The Biden Administration won’t acknowledge the crisis at the southern border, therefore there are real consequences resulting from their open border policies. The Justice for Angel Families Act provides compensation for those whose lives were senselessly taken by illegal immigrants. Nothing can ever replace losing a loved one. Our bill is the least we can do for the victims’ families,” said Senator Cramer.

“Under President Trump, angel families were respected and looked after by the federal government. That couldn’t be further from the truth with Joe Biden in charge. This president prioritizes the radical left’s open borders agenda instead of helping American citizens victimized by the worst consequences of out-of-control illegal immigration,” said Senator Marshall. “Congressman Nehls and I are introducing this legislation to restore our angel families’ dignity and build on the support they received through the VOICE Office, which was disgracefully dismantled by the Biden Administration.”

“Joe Biden’s open border policies are providing terrorists, murders, rapists, and other felons a no-strings-attached invitation into our country, where they are no doubt committing violent crimes across our nation,” said Congressman Nehls. “Sadly, relatives of these victims or next-of-kin are forced to bear the financial and emotional fall-out of these criminal acts, with no support from the current Administration. Our legislation will help to provide support to these families of illegal alien crime, as my colleagues across the aisle continue to put these violent criminals first.”

Senators Cramer and Marshall and Representative Nehls are joined by Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO), and Representatives Lance Gooden (R-TX-05), Jim Banks (R-IN-03), Jake Ellzey (R-TX-06), Randy Weber (R-TX-14), Ronny Jackson (R-TX-13), Don Bacon (R-NE-02), and David Joyce (R-OH-14).

Click here for bill text.