Manchin, Bipartisan Senators Introduce Gerald’s Law Act To Expand Veteran Burial Benefits

Source: United States Senator for West Virginia Joe Manchin

September 22, 2022

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV), John Boozman (R-AR), Gary Peters (D-MI) and Mike Rounds (R-SD) introduced the bipartisan Gerald’s Law Act to expand Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) burial benefits eligibility to terminally ill Veterans who pass away at a non-VA facility while receiving hospice care. Under current law, the VA will cover nearly $800 toward burial and funeral expenses only if the Veteran is hospitalized at the VA at the time of death. This legislation would update the policy to ensure Veterans aren’t penalized for spending their last days in the comfort of their homes or other settings.

“Our brave Veterans have made invaluable sacrifices to protect our great nation, and it is our duty to take care of them from when they return home until they are laid to rest,” said Senator Manchin. “I am proud to introduce this bipartisan legislation to expand VA burial benefits to Veterans who pass away outside of a VA facility to allow Veterans and their families freedom in making this personal, heartbreaking decision. I encourage my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support this important legislation to ensure every American hero is honored with the burial they deserve.”

“Veterans who chose to live their last days at home while receiving VA hospice care should not be penalized for their decision. Expanding the burial benefit will allow Veterans and their loved ones to make end-of-life decisions based on comfort, not on cost,” said Senator Boozman.

“Veterans who have served and sacrificed for our country should be treated equally based on their service, and not be penalized due to the circumstances at their time of death,” said Senator Peters. “This bipartisan bill would take important steps to fix the VA’s burial benefit system because we owe it our Veterans and their families to ensure they are properly laid to rest with dignity and respect.”

“Our Veterans and their families have sacrificed so much for our country,” said Senator Rounds. “Their selfless commitment deserves the utmost honor and respect, not just during their service, but after their service has concluded. Where a Veteran chose to spend their last days should not determine whether or not their family receives a benefit that was earned. This legislation will help families cherish their final moments with loved ones in a setting that’s most comfortable.”

Gerald’s Law Act has received support from The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), AMVETS, Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA), the National Association for Country Veterans Service Officers, With Honor and The Independence Fund. Companion legislation was introduced in the House of Representatives by Representatives Jack Bergman (R-MI) and Colin Allred (D-TX).