Democrats’ Soft-on-Crime Policies Are Neither Fair Nor Compassionate

Source: United States Senator for Kentucky Mitch McConnell

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding law and order:

“Inflation is not the only way the last two years have shown that bad policies and bad ideas have real consequences.

“One especially damaging myth is the liberal notion that making our country kinder means having weaker public safety, weaker justice for criminals, and weaker borders.

“This misunderstanding dominates today’s Democratic Party.

“Across our country, Democrats have spent years trying to defund law enforcement.

“Studies have proven that anti-police hostility changes how officers do their job, leading directly to more crime including more murders. So liberals’ nationwide anti-police P.R. campaign has literally cost people their lives.

“When liberals do let police arrest criminals, a growing cabal of far-left prosecutors often simply decline to charge them.

“One liberal billionaire has donated more than a million dollars each to the campaigns of soft-on-crime district attorneys in New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

“That Los Angeles D.A. has presided over a 69% increase in shootings and a 40% spike in car thefts.

“Chicago’s liberal D.A., ‘appeared to be simply dropping nearly 30% of all felony cases, including alleged murders.’

“Philadelphia’s liberal D.A. has presided over an 85% spike in shootings and a huge increase in murders since he took over.

“In the name of equity or compassion, these people are announcing they will not prosecute entire categories of crimes.

“No wonder American cities are becoming more dangerous by the day.

“A couple years back, a former D.A. from outside Boston published a list of crimes she wouldn’t prosecute: Shoplifting, breaking and entering, resisting arrest, and — even in the middle of the opioid crisis — possession with intent to distribute.

“As a reward, Washington Democrats made Rachel Rollins the U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts.

“Just last month, Senator Rubio put forward an amendment to increase funding for cops and keeping violent convicts behind bars. Democrats blocked it.

“Every Senate Democrat has also voted multiple times to strip Customs and Border Protection of the only remaining emergency authorities to contend with the historic surge in illegal immigration unfolding on their watch.

“Of course, the open-border policies our colleagues support in office are rooted in open-border rhetoric they’ve embraced for years. On the campaign trail, then-Candidate Biden himself said, ‘You want to flee… you should come.’

“So, on President Biden’s watch, illegal immigrants flocked to the border — some carrying his campaign’s flags and t-shirts.

“There’s an outright security crisis at our southern border.

“We are in the middle of the most illegal immigrant arrests in more than two decades.

“This year, just from January to August, CBP says they have already run into nearly double the number of known criminals this fiscal year as they saw in the entire year before President Biden took office. And huge upticks in seizures of deadly drugs like fentanyl.

“But Democrats aren’t just ignoring a security crisis. It’s a humanitarian crisis, too. Waves of unaccompanied children have stretched CBP’s facilities to the limit.

“And under incompetent leadership, the Department of Health and Human Services has had to scramble to help ensure the safety of children in its custody.

“There is nothing compassionate about tolerating or even encouraging anarchy at the border, violence in our streets, and a steady erosion of public safety. It is neither fair nor compassionate, not to any Americans, least of all to the vulnerable people Democrats say they’re helping.”