A Dark Moment for America

Source: United States Senator for Wisconsin Ron Johnson

Why is Biden so Angry?

It is clear that Joe Biden wants to fundamentally transform this country. My question is do you love, much less like, something you want to fundamentally change? I don’t wake up and say to my wife, “Jane, I love you, but now I want to change everything about you.”

Student Loan Wealth Transfer

President Biden’s unprecedented move to forgive student loan debt is grossly unfair to families who didn’t send their kids to college or managed to pay off their student debt.

70% of the $300 billion inflationary spending will go to people in the top 60% of earners. Democrats have become the party of the elite.

Open Borders

The crisis at the southern border has lead to an unprecedented flood of illegal immigrants and the deadly effects of unregulated fentanyl have lead several Wisconsin counties to declare fentanyl a public health crisis.

Supersized IRS

Democrats are as detached from economic reality as they are from the truth. The Orwellian named “Inflation Reduction Act” will do no such thing. It will worsen inflation, supercharge the IRS (adding 87,000 IRS agents!) to go after American families and likely drive the cost of energy up rather than down.

Hunter Biden Laptop

It’s crystal clear – President Biden was lying through his teeth to the American people about Hunter Biden’s corrupt business dealingsWhistleblowers revealed the partisan FBI’s scheme to downplay derogatory information about Hunter Biden and end my investigation. This corruption needs to be exposed.

Disastrous Effects of Biden’s Border Crisis

In August, I hosted a roundtable on the crisis at the southern border to discuss the unprecedented flood of illegal immigrants, the deadly effects of unregulated fentanyl and the Biden administration’s failure to secure the border. I was joined by the former Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan, President of the National Border Patrol Council Brandon Judd, Founder of Saving Others For Archie Lauri Badura, Green Lake County Sheriff Mark Podoll, Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis and Fond du Lac County Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt.

What I’ve seen at the border is profoundly disturbing. You have to go down to the border to really experience what I think every American needs to understand.

Sheriff Mark Podoll said, ” Wisconsin is a border state. We are getting everything that comes through that open border. And if people don’t believe that, they need to pull their head out of the sand because it’s happening here.

Read more in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Watch the entire panel discussion on Wisconsin Eye.

Seeking Answers from FBI, DOJ and Facebook

My office along with Sen. Chuck Grassley are seeking records relating to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) and FBI’s contact with Facebook, Twitter and other social media companies relating to the Biden family, Hunter Biden’s laptop and Russian disinformation around the time of the election.

The letter reads “the FBI’s consistent efforts to falsely paint information relating to Biden Family misconduct as Russian disinformation continues to draw serious concerns, and those concerns are magnified by the FBI’s consistent failure to answer congressional inquiries.”

The more we learn, the more questions arise. We need whistleblowers to come forward to expose the truth, hold people accountable and restore integrity and credibility to the FBI and federal agencies. We need to get to the bottom of this corruption.

Watch Mark Zuckerberg’s comments here.

Around Wisconsin

What a thrill for Milwaukee to host the national American Legion convention August 26 – September 1. Wisconsin loves veterans and I was honored to address the convention attendees. Your service and sacrifice makes you the finest among us.

During the month of August, I held numerous town halls around the state. I always appreciate the opportunity to hear what is on the mind of Wisconsinites. There is a lot of concern over 40-year-high inflation.

I hit a milestone with my 100th telephone town hall on August 31. Thank you to everyone who joins these calls which allow for in-depth discussions. Please signup on my website to get on the list for future telephone town halls. The next one is Tuesday, September 6 at 3:30 CT.