Reed Statement on Unsealed, Redacted Trump Affidavit

Source: United States Senator for Rhode Island Jack Reed

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, following the release of a 32-page heavily redacted version of the affidavit supporting the request to search former president Donald Trump’s Florida residence, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and an ex officio member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, issued the following statement:

“There doesn’t seem to be any reason to doubt that Donald Trump improperly took highly classified documents from the White House, stored them in an insecure environment at his estate, and tried to conceal them when the National Archives and federal law enforcement attempted to rightfully reclaim them. 

“Based on the evidence that has been revealed so far, including details in this redacted affidavit, Trump’s mishandling of top secret government information is sadly in keeping with a President who was impeached twice and has perpetuated falsehood after falsehood of more issues that one can count.

“Important questions remain: What did Trump take?  Why?  How sensitive are these materials and who else may have accessed them? 

“The leaders of the Intelligence Committee made a bipartisan request to get to the bottom of these questions in a classified setting, which is an appropriate forum. 

“The Department of Justice investigation needs to continue without interference.  Donald Trump must be held accountable like any other citizen and should start cooperating.”