Graham on Fallout of Afghanistan Withdrawal, Mar-A-Lago Raid

Source: United States Senator for South Carolina Lindsey Graham

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today joined Fox & Friends to discuss where we are one year after the Biden Administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and the latest on the actions of the Department of Justice in regards to the raid of Mar-A-Lago.

On Afghanistan:

  • GRAHAM: “This was the withdrawal heard around the world…this withdrawal was heard in Moscow. It was heard in every terrorist camp throughout the world. The terrorists are on steroids, and all of our allies have been shaken by this withdrawal.”
  • GRAHAM: “This has reset the War on Terror in all the worst ways. We had just about cleaned up the mess from the Iraq withdrawal that led to ISIS and the rise of terrorism and thousands of people getting killed all over the world. So apparently Biden learned nothing from Iraq, and this decision to withdraw all of our forces and turn Afghanistan back over the Taliban is setting up another 9/11. This is a very big deal. We’re not prepared for the consequences of this withdrawal. You’ll never convince me this didn’t affect Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine.”

On the Department of Justice:

  • GRAHAM: “I want somebody outside of DOJ to look through these documents…I want the affidavit released to the American public. We’re 80 days before a midterm election and we’re going to be reading every few days in the Washington Post, the New York Times, and other liberal media outlets about what’s in these documents and what Trump knew and what he did. If you release the affidavit, all of us can judge what was there or not there. So this idea of drip, drip, drip 80 days before an election needs to stop. We need to see the affidavit.”
  • GRAHAM: “I read about the Mueller investigation every week in the New York Times and Washington Post. Nobody told me that [Department officials] altered information to the FISA court. Nobody told me that they had information that the entire basis for the Carter Page warrant was a bunch of hearsay and bar talk. So no, I don’t trust these people. What I want to do is see the affidavit. This is a raid on the former president of the United States’ personal home 80 days before an election, and I’m supposed to trust the New York Times and The Washington Post? Hell no!”

Watch Full Interview Here
