Booker Leads Colleagues in Introducing Resolution Designating July as Muslim-American Heritage Month

Source: United States Senator for New Jersey Cory Booker

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) led colleagues in introducing a resolution recognizing July as Muslim-American Heritage Month and celebrating the achievements of Muslims living in the United States. The resolution highlights the “incredible contributions” Muslim Americans have made across multiple sectors of society—from medical professionals to entrepreneurs, to faith leaders, athletes, and public servants—to help build a better nation. 

The resolution further notes the religious discrimination experienced by Muslim Americans and stresses the “need for public education, awareness, and policies that are culturally competent when describing, discussing, or addressing the impacts of being Muslim American in all aspects of the society of the United States.”

“Muslim Americans have contributed to our nation since its very inception,” said Sen. Booker. “Those contributions have enriched the cultural tapestry of America even as Muslims continue to experience religious prejudice and discrimination. This resolution recognizes the incredible contributions made by Muslims living in the United States and also highlights the urgent need to work together to address anti-Muslim bias and hate that has tragically become too commonplace.”

“Our nation is stronger because of the diverse communities that call this country home, including Muslim Americans. Each and every day, and especially during this month, we should acknowledge the contributions and achievements of Muslim Americans,” said Sen. Durbin. “But we cannot celebrate the Muslim American community without also recognizing the continued religious discrimination and threats they face in this country. I hope today’s resolution will serve as both a tribute to this community and as a recommitment to stand with Muslim Americans in the work to build a more tolerant and equitable nation.”  

“California is fortunate to have a diverse community with roots all over the world. Our culture and economy attract people from all walks of life, which is why it’s no surprise that the Muslim American community has played a role in helping California grow into one of the largest economies in the world,” said Sen. Feinstein. “I’m proud to join Senator Booker on this resolution to celebrate the achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to our country, while also recognizing the need to end anti-Muslim hate across the United States.”

“It is time we honor the rich and invaluable contributions Muslims have made to our country’s history and spirit by designating this and every July as Muslim-American Heritage Month,” said Sen. Markey. “In honoring their contributions, we can continue to challenge the bias and bigotry that far too many of our Muslim-American neighbors, friends, and loved ones have experienced in this country. We must not accept the discrimination Muslims face, and continue to honor the value they bring to our nation.”

“Muslim-Americans have enriched communities in Virginia and across the country, and we’re stronger because of them,”said Sen. Kaine. “This resolution both celebrates their many contributions and recognizes the work ahead to build a more tolerant, inclusive society.”

“This resolution celebrates the incredible accomplishments and contributions of the Muslim-American community. Enriching our nation in countless ways, the Muslim-American community in Connecticut and across the country embodies the ideals of faith, peace and love,” said Sen. Blumenthal. “I’m proud to join this resolution that not only acknowledges their importance, but reaffirms our commitment to combating targeted acts of prejudice and hate.” 

“Muslim-Americans are a vital part of communities across Minnesota and our country,” said Sen. Klobuchar. “This resolution celebrates the contributions Muslim-Americans have made to our nation and reaffirms our commitment to tackle the prejudice and discrimination that Muslims too often face.”        

The resolution is cosponsored by Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Alex Padilla (D-CA), and Patty Murray (D-WA).Full text of the resolution can be found here.